Chapter 1550 Prison Raising (Extra 4)

The bartender served a glass of mixed wine and said, "Yes sir, they are indeed a very loving couple."

"It is said that she was just married and came here for her honeymoon."

"...It doesn't look like it," the man took a sip, looking at the direction they were leaving, still feeling a little unwilling.

"That woman is really, how could she be willing to marry such... an inconspicuous man?"

Could it be...that man is rich?

The bartender smiled and said, "Sir, there are a lot of weird things in this world. It's just that a beautiful woman falls in love with an ugly man. After calculation, this kind of thing is not uncommon, and it's not surprising at all."

It's a pity that foreign men drink up their wine.

"It's a pity... If you can have the opportunity to spend the night with that woman, even if you die the next day, it will be worth it."





Hotel on the beach.

Because the venue was cleared in advance, there is no one on the sand pond at this moment, only the boundless and vast sea.

On the pure white sand, crabs are digging holes, trying to get in from the outside.

Looking up, you can see a couple in love hugging and kissing under the coconut grove not far away.

Bright red dress, long hair as beautiful as satin.

She was pressed by the coconut tree and forced to accept the man's jealousy.

It was so sour that the air was almost full of that smell.

When the pretty person was let go for a breath, her cheeks were flushed.

Fragrant and soft, the tulips that emanate from the whole body almost make people lose their minds.

She was panting low, her hair was a little messed up by the wind.

Seeing that the man was about to kiss him again, she quickly covered his mouth and blocked him, begging for mercy.

"Take a break and kiss again, okay? I can't breathe..."

The man with a sullen face hugged her forcefully and took her hand away.

If you don't kiss the lips, then kiss other places.

Biting and gnawing, extremely fierce, as if to leave her own mark on her body.

"..." The beautiful man's face was red and soft, full of helplessness.

She put her hands lightly on his shoulders, coaxing him like a child.

"Hey, don't be angry, okay?"

"Why do you care what they say nonsense?"

He buried her neck and didn't speak.

Hold on tightly.

The person being hugged kissed him, "Okay... don't be angry, let's go back to take a nap, and come out to watch the sunset later in the evening, okay?"

Of course it is good.

He really wanted to hide her, so that he could only see her for the rest of his life.

The man's face was sullen, and the extremely dangerous factors in his eyes were rampant.

Where she couldn't see, his extremely twisted dark side was revealed.

It looks like a ghost, so terrifying.

Although the rose-like beauty didn't know what he was thinking, she kissed him proactively, and kissed him again.

Although he is easy to get angry and jealous, he is really easy to coax.

So she was helpless, and often felt a little funny.

"Don't be angry, let's go back, shall we?"

He didn't speak any more, just let go of her, and hugged her horizontally.

Step by step, he walked towards the hotel.

"From now on, don't laugh at other men."

"……it is good."

She sighed.

"Don't get close to other men."

"……it is good."

"Don't leave me."


She hugged him lightly.

Delicate roses are always so kind.

Even when entangled by bedbugs, she is always gentle.

"I won't leave you."

As she said, always, always, only love him.





——End of extra episode——

(End of this chapter)

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