Chapter 1564 Faith (14)

The kind and gentle word of God, though merciless, eased the guilt in his heart.

Let his guilty heart be redeemed, and his heavy soul be relieved.

He surrendered to his faith without a trace of mournful reluctance.

Instead, it is endless joy and joy.

"Dear and respectable Lord, thank you for your magnanimity, allowing such a poor person like me to have a chance of redemption."

"In the future, I will always abide by the agreement with you and never do it again."

Eve also clutched her stomach pitifully, shedding tears of joy and relief.

"Lord, thank you for your kindness and kindness. In the future, we will always remember your diligent teachings and become your most loyal believers."

Servant Abraham said: "Then, poor people, please leave the Garden of Eden and accept your punishment."

"Here, there will no longer be room for the existence of two sinners."

Eve's eyes widened.


Outside the Garden of Eden, there are ferocious beasts and monsters everywhere, how can they go out——

Eve, who was already a mother, looked at Adam for help.

Adam stood up and helped her up.

"Honey, please stop talking."

It is a great mercy for God to forgive their sins.

Abraham was right. It is impossible for two people who are burdened with sin to live in the beautiful and fertile Garden of Eden.

Those who bear the original sin should accept their punishment and accept the evil of the outside world.

Only in this way can they realize how ignorant and unsatisfied the mistakes they have made are.

Only then can we know how merciful and compassionate the Lord was to them.

It is simply because they are dissatisfied and have failed the Lord step by step.

"Honey, we should go."

"...But..." Eve burst into tears.

Forgive her for being unwilling...

She looked fiercely at the culprit who caused her to commit the crime.

Beautiful charming angel, but still cynical.

Leaning against the tree, he showed a gloating smile.

"My fault? Poor man."

"Don't forget... the forbidden fruit, you ate it yourself."

She never... never forced her.

She seemed to be laughing at people's stupidity and lack of contentment.

Eve lowered her head without making a sound, as if she was trying to escape.





The beautiful and carefree Garden of Eden will eventually leave.

When the door opened, two poor and helpless people walked into the sand-ravaged loess, supporting each other.

Outside the rich and safe Garden of Eden, there are barren land, dry rivers, and huge beasts lurking in unknown places.

These will be the various difficulties they will face.

It is both training and punishment.

God stood under the tree of life with white flowers in full bloom, watching quietly from afar.

Watching the gate of the Garden of Eden open and slowly close again.

From then on, there will be no more humans in the park.

Servant Abraham's face was grim, and the vines on the ground broke through the ground.

Wrap around that evil enchanted angel, bound her limbs so that she cannot move.

"Cecia, do you know your mistake?"

The beautiful Chesia slowly stretched out her black wings, even though she was restrained, she still did not rush.

The green pupil, which symbolizes evil, stares at the holy and merciful Lord with a playful smile.

"Abraham, what can I do wrong?"

Everything she did was according to the will of the Lord.

Did not dare to disobey half a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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