Chapter 1566 Faith (16)

However, this time, the merciful Lord did not speak so easily.

His gentle eyes fell on her.

The scepter was lifted lightly, as if a judgment was being cast down, and heavy chains were attached to her ankles.

He was neither sad nor happy, his voice was still as gentle as the warm sun.

It's just that the words are cruel, and when they fall, they are as cold as an ice cellar.

He said: "The angel Chesia deliberately tempted humans to eat the forbidden fruit, causing them to make mistakes. The sin of temptation cannot be forgiven."

"..." Chesia paused.

Immediately, I thought I sensed something.

She looked down at her chains.

The voice of judgment fell slowly, "Cecia, do you know your mistake?"

"..." Cecia stared at him silently, the expression on his face gradually disappearing.

Is he crossing the river and demolishing bridges?





In the end, the charming angel who made a mistake was brought back to heaven with his feet bound and staggering.

Heaven, a beautiful and bright place.

The sunshine here is as gentle as spring, and the clouds are as pure white as petals.

The hall is grand and grand, and the industrious angels are lovely and kind.

When the charming angel, which symbolizes evil, was brought back to heaven, all the good angels flapped their wings and surrounded them.

Looking at it curiously, like children who don't know much about the world.

"What's wrong with Cecia?"

They talked in a few sentences.

"God, she must have committed a serious mistake, and the Lord will punish her like this."

"How can this be done? Will Cecia be severely punished?"

"No, probably not, the Lord is so merciful and fraternal."

"But, what if Cecia made a serious mistake?"

They surrounded the palace with their heads stretched out, wanting to look inside.

Inside the huge and bright palace.

The unrestrained charming angel, with his legs bound at this moment, was forced to kneel beside the Lord.

The ten god servants stood in front of the ten god pillars, praying devoutly.

The benevolent and gentle Lord, dressed in a pure white holy robe, sat on the highest seat.

The snow-white fingers slowly landed on Chesia's head.

The gentle strength is like coaxing a child who is throwing a temper tantrum.

"..." Chesia lowered her eyelids without emotion, looked at the scepter that was close at hand, and said nothing.

I just wondered how likely it was that she would sneak away.

After all, it seemed that this hypocritical and treacherous person was going to imprison her for a long time.



However, outside the palace at this moment, the watching angels stared enviously.

"God, the Lord has put his hand on Cecia!"

"What a blessing this is, Cecia is so happy."

"It seems that I also want to be punished by the Lord."

"Shh, Jedison, please don't say that, be careful to be heard by the Lord, and punish you to fall into hell with Lucifer."

The angel whose name was Jadison immediately covered his mouth.

"May God bless that nothing I said just now was heard."




Cecia listened quietly to the Lord's instruction, feeling a little sleepy.

Angels believe in the Lord, but she is a symbol of evil angels after all.

It is undoubtedly a kind of torture and suffering for her to always listen to the clichés of benevolence and fraternity.

She yawned lazily, and the black wings on her back spread out.

The Lord's gentle hand rested on her head, moving slightly, as if judging.

"Cecia, do you know your mistake?"

His voice fell slowly.

Chesia raised her eyes, extremely calm.

"So, what will the Lord punish Checia?"

Whether to cast her into hell and become a fallen angel, or...

Killed directly?
(End of this chapter)

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