Chapter 1568 Faith (18)

God servant Abdullah exclaimed.

"Cesia, you are offending the Lord! Please stop immediately!"

"..." The angry black cat bared its teeth viciously.

"In that case, please punish me to hell!"

Anyway, one crime is also a crime, and several crimes are also sins.

Rather than becoming a kitten at the mercy of others, she would rather go to hell and be with demons in a dark place.

But the merciful God is always so kind, and he is always unwilling to see more believers fall because of this.

His warm, soft fingers gently caressed its taut back.

The holy and pure breath is like a tranquilizer, relieving its restless mood.

The divine master, who is as beautiful as frost, comforts his followers lovingly.

Squeezing its soft round face, a loving and compassionate voice came down.

"Cesia, please don't complain."

"Please believe that I am doing it for your own good. May you be happy and safe, and get rid of the sins on your body."

The pretty cat was silent.

Knowing that it couldn't break free, it kicked him viciously again.

Want to kick his annoying hand away.

But still can't kick it.


The cat was under the eaves and had to bow its head.

Poor Chesia, reluctantly, but still had to put away her sharp nails.

Only yin and yang hummed strangely: "The Lord's intention, to forgive Cesia, is still really hard to understand."

The warm palm gently rubbed its little head, as if it didn't catch the irony in her words.

She only said gently and compassionately: "Be good, please don't move around."

"..." Doesn't move, being touched by him everywhere?

Beautiful cat with a cold face and no expression.




Outside the palace, the Metatron angel looked enviously at the black cat lying in God's arms, flapping its wings on its back.

"Cecia is really happy, she can have such a close distance with the Lord."

"I really want to become a cat and lie in the arms of the Lord."

"Shhh—don't say it, Cecia is receiving punishment, not blessing. She will definitely feel very uncomfortable if she becomes a black cat."

"Oh, indeed, poor Chesia. She was such a troublemaker, and she must be very sorry that she can't do it any more."

"But what does it matter?"

The little angel Grippe was holding his harp, looking at it with big clean eyes, like a puppy begging for favor.

"If I can always stay in the arms of the Lord, I am also willing to become a cat forever."

Then the tender hand of the Lord will lovingly caress his head.

He can't wait to shake his head and run over.

Unfortunately, Abdullah said, the Lord is untouchable.

Unless it is a blessing from the Lord, otherwise, he will suffer.

Grippe lowered his head in frustration.





The third day of becoming a cat.

Chesia has completely become numb to such a cat-like life without personal rights.

The Lord's day is boring and boring, talking with the servants of the gods and communicating with the wise men.

Need to control the newly formed world from time to time, and also need to deal with those restless demons in hell.

The black cat who chatted in every possible way and couldn't go anywhere, had nothing to do, could only lie on the lap of the god, squinted lazily, and took a nap.

Sleeping all over the sky, day and night.

Sometimes when the consciousness is a little clearer, it will feel the warm hand of the Lord caressing it slowly.

Playing with its tail from time to time, kneading its ears from time to time.

It's like treating it like a handy toy.

(End of this chapter)

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