Chapter 1572 Faith (22)

In the hall, Lucifer finally chose not to do anything.

He had heard the Lord's warning.

Even though the young man sitting on the Holy Throne looked so weak and harmless, he could be bullied.

But he knew that it was just an appearance.

The belief of angels is the Lord, this sentence is not just a casual talk.

As long as the Lord is willing, He can let the angel disappear in this world at any time, and there will never be a day of resurrection.

Even if he has fallen, has been banished from hell.

He is also always an angel, and he can never compete with the Lord.

Lucifer was not ignorant, he looked deeply at the noble and gentle Lord, and immediately picked up the heavy trident.

Just when the ten servants were about to concentrate and prepare to deal with him, he turned and left with the trident.

Huge black wings flapped vigorously.

He jumped up and left the paradise that did not welcome him.

The ten servants of God watched him leave, and still did not relax their vigilance.

Until the kind and gentle God raised his hand slightly.

They took back their weapons and returned to their positions.

"Peace be with the Lord."

They respectfully said.




Not long after, when the cat was still licking off the blood that came out from the hands of the god master, the robe that had been covering it was finally lifted off.

Cecia's vision finally broadened.

It licks for a while.

Immediately, like a cat who had nothing to do, he buried his head.

Pretending to know nothing, deceiving one's ears.

After a while, that gentle hand, as always, was placed on its body, stroking its back.

Did not say anything.

The cat, who knew he had done another wrong thing, trembled his ears.

Silently waiting for his punishment.

It's just that after waiting for a long time, it still hasn't arrived.

"..." Chesia raised his head tentatively.

The round and beautiful green pupils are lively and clean.

The tails of the pupils were slightly upturned, and the innate charm still couldn't fade away.

Coquettish, and very clever.

It raised its small head and looked at the hall.

The main hall was empty at this time, except for the ten servants under the pillar, there was no one there anymore.

Lucifer, who was still mocking the Lord just now, seems to have left now.

There was no fight, and no talk of taking her away.

That's it... go, go?
The cat, who was still forced to stay in the Lord's arms, stared at the center of the empty hall, silent for a moment.

Like not knowing what to say.

It was quiet for a long time, then flicked its tail again, and looked up at the noble Lord.

The gentle Lord, as if he would never get angry, will always tolerate its willfulness.

With gentle and compassionate eyes, he gently rubbed its little head, and took it back into his arms again.

The bite wound on his hand is already gradually healing.

The cat licked its teeth.

Lucifer left, it was only silent for a while, and then accepted this reality.

After all, it was also expected.

Being hugged in the arms of the Divine Lord, it shook its ears, as if it wanted to say something.

But next second.

The kitty's figure shook violently.

The cat is gone.

Instead, it was a girl who had reverted to a human form.

The beautiful and delicate girl suddenly sat on the lap of the Lord.

And the Lord still maintains the posture of holding her, which means...

The girl with snow skin and red lips stared blankly at the god who was so close.

Line of sight, meet his.

(End of this chapter)

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