Chapter 1579 Faith (29)

That beautiful and benevolent god's gentle gaze has hardly changed.

He stared at her pitifully, but didn't speak.

He just quietly let her bite, let her bite off a piece of flesh in his hand.

The bright red blood was dripping drop by drop.

It fell on the icy ground, and quickly turned into a light golden soft light, symbolizing pure and flawless power, and then dissipated.

turned into nothingness.

Chesia bit his arm hard again.

Almost used the stance of dying together.

Warm blood, like spring water, flowed out continuously.

When it flowed into Chesia's mouth, it dyed her lips extremely brightly and surprisingly red.

She bit down hard and choked on the blood that flowed down her throat.


She relaxed and couldn't help coughing.

The taste is sticky in the mouth, not fishy, ​​and even very sweet.

It was so sweet that it seemed to restore some of the strength in her body.

Sitting on the cold ground, she coughed for a while before recovering.

He lowered his head, looked at the blood-stained hand that fell beside her, and pulled the corner of his lips lightly.

"I offended you again, Lord."

"This time, how do you want me to die to appease your anger?"

She was sly and sarcastic.

The god who sat on the holy throne remained silent for a long time.

Incredibly quiet.

It's been a long, long time.

Cecia felt that he raised his hand slightly.

A very gentle force fell on her head.

As if comforting a restless child, rubbing gently without using force.

The chains that bound her neck also dissipated without a sound.

Her hands are free.

The heavy shackles on both feet receded with a long sound.

She went from a wronged prisoner to a child of God's mercy.

Gently and softly, as if never really angry.

"..." Chesia lowered her head, suddenly feeling like crying.

People who have been wronged so much, their hearts are already very sad.

It's obviously not her fault alone, it's obviously his intention.

But he put all the faults on her and picked himself up.

This was the case with the Garden of Eden, and it is the same with this time.

He was always like this, turning his face on her and blaming her for everything.

She raised her hand and wiped away the tears that were about to fall.

After regaining her strength, she lowered her head and did not look at him.

Stand up and want to go.

But next second.

Her wrist was suddenly pulled.

The whole thing was pulled into his arms.

Warm and soft.

"Chesia, are you sad?"

The hand full of bite marks gently covered the back of her head, holding her in his arms.

The hot teardrops soon fell on his holy robe.


She was hugged in his arms, with red eyes drooping, and she didn't speak.

Even wanted to push him away.

But he hugged her tighter and patted her back gently.

Not for a long time.

"Cecia, I don't mean to blame you."

"You are very good, a good boy."

His warm hands gently rubbed the back of her neck.

It seemed to be gently soothing her sad and wronged emotions.

"If my actions have made you feel sad and hurt, then please be magnanimous for once and forgive me for not being thoughtful."

"If I can get your permission, I will do my best to make up for the mistakes I made, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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