Chapter 1583 Faith (33)

"If you rest well, you won't faint anymore."

he said softly.

"..." The beautiful girl looked at him fixedly, without saying a word.

After two seconds, she suddenly jumped off his lap.

Barefoot, he quickly ran down the icy stairs.

The god on the holy throne, his compassionate and gentle eyes fell on her.

She seems to be conniving at her childish behavior.




Checia ran to the gate of the temple.

As if to verify something, he stood there, tentatively, and took a light step.

The dryness that had calmed down in the body, at that moment, had a faint tendency to emerge again.

Sensing this strangeness, she instantly retracted her feet as if she was being scalded.

He took a few steps back again and again.

The servant under the pillar on the side looked at her with strange eyes, as if he felt that her behavior at the moment was weird.

But Cecia didn't care about their gazes at all.

He just stood there fixedly, as if he was stunned, motionless, staring at the direction of the gate of the temple.

Her thoughts were chaotic for a while, leaving her extremely at a loss.

After standing there for a long time, she seemed unwilling to give up.

Take a few steps forward.

Still in the position just now, take another step slightly outside.

In the next second, the abnormal heat and intolerable feeling in her body was like a flood that had been opened.

With an unstoppable awe-inspiring momentum, it rushed towards her chest.

It didn't hurt, but in an instant, it made her throat dry and thirsty.

The temperature of the body began to rise, and the newly recovered strength was now leaking rapidly like a punctured balloon.

It made her legs feel weak for a moment, and she couldn't stand steadily.

Checia took a few steps back again and again, like a trapped, weak and helpless flower, and did not take a step outside.

As she stood there, the restlessness bursting out of her body seemed unbearable to her.

He stabilized his figure and stood there for a while.

Just like that, she stared at the direction outside, bit her lip, and clenched her fists.

He obviously wants to leave, wants to flap his wings, leave here, and breathe the free air outside.

But the physical longing that came from nowhere forced her to look away.

Slowly loosening her fist, she stomped her feet, turned around and ran back.

With bare white and delicate feet, she ran up the stairs one after another.

Like a fish that was about to die of thirst, it quickly jumped into the arms of the gods.

Holding him tightly, breathing a little urgently.

"What's wrong? Cecia."

The loving care of the gods is always as gentle as spring.

Caring for her body, and her soul longing for freedom.

Cecia didn't speak, and hugged him tightly, showing an extremely dependent posture.

Hugged him tightly for a long time, absorbing the soothing breath from him, as if possessed by a demon.

After a long time, finally, the heat in Cesia's body tended to calm down.

When that strong feeling receded slowly like a tide, only the abnormal blushes on her cheeks remained.

It seems to be a little uncomfortable.

She hugged him tightly, panting.

Feeling the warm and gentle hands gently rubbing her head.

She didn't hide, but in a place where the gods couldn't see, her face was expressionless and her eyes were cold.

Staring at a certain place, without speaking for a long time.

A heart, gradually heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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