Chapter 1590 You Are My Faith (2)

In the next second, the children all cast their curious eyes.

That small figure in the dark corner seemed to be the first time so many people watched it like this.

He flinched, like a quail, and immediately lowered his head.

Liu Lin also noticed him.

That was the most silent little boy in their class, named Ji Yuche, a mixed-race boy who had just returned from abroad.

In the usual class activities, he hardly participates, quietly, so he has no sense of presence.

Now it is rare to see the silent kid talking, Liu Lin was taken aback for a moment, almost unable to react.

But soon, she realized that this was a good opportunity for him to participate in class activities.

As an empathetic teacher, of course she was not willing to let go of this opportunity.

So, she came to the corner, bent down, and showed a kind smile.

"Little Che, can you share your views with the teacher and the children?"

"..." The little boy with his head bowed, wearing a hat, twisted his fingers and said nothing.

As always, no matter what the teacher asked, he seemed to be mute, just not making a sound.

Poorly timid.

Liu Lin glanced at the other leading teachers.

Several teachers seemed to be a little helpless towards him.

There is no way, his character is too sensitive, and he is very afraid of communicating with outsiders.

Except for his mother, whom the teachers hadn't seen so far, he took the initiative to talk to.

Therefore, in this case, it is not easy for Liu Lin to force him to answer.

"Then... well, little kid Che is a little shy, so let Teacher Wang explain it to him, everyone agree?"

With a sweet smile, Liu Lin guided everyone to divert their attention.

"it is good!"

The children carrying schoolbags didn't think too much, and their voices were crisp and crisp.

It was loud.

This made Liu Lin hurriedly make a silent gesture again.

"Shhh, keep your voice down, kids, don't disturb others~"





Next, the story about the angel is still being told.

The lively children, carrying their schoolbags, walked with the leading teacher.

Looking up at the paintings in the exhibition with their curious and bright eyes, they exclaimed in amazement.

Only at the back of the line was a single person.

The child who looked only seven or eight years old was still standing there.

Holding the strap of the schoolbag tightly with her little hands, she stood in front of the picture bestowed by God, watching quietly, not moving for a long time.

Under the cover of the hat, his beautiful pale golden eyes stared unblinkingly at the portrait—the girl lying in the arms of God.

The girl's snow skin and red lips are charming and seductive.

The black wings stretched out behind him, perhaps because of being close to God, the wings were even covered with a light layer of golden light.

Pretty, visibly, and squeamish.

Leaning in the arms of God, hooking him, it seems to be exercising his own petty temper.

When the little boy looked up, his clean and soft golden eyes were staring at the beautiful girl very seriously.

After looking at it for a long time, he silently bit his pink lips like cherry blossoms.

It seemed a little ashamed and a little annoyed.

"It's not because Cecia is good-looking... that I like her."

His small hands tightly grasped the strap of the schoolbag, and only he could hear the soft and depressed voice.

"certainly not……"

(End of this chapter)

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