Chapter 1596 You Are My Faith (8)

A delicate and beautiful angel doll with jewel-like clear green eyes.

She was wearing a small black skirt, and behind her was a pair of black wings spread out.

Soft body, white feet.

At the ankle, there is also a bright red rope.

The cards that were not put aside were blown by the wind from nowhere.

It landed lightly on the ground, and the words on it were still there——

hope you will like it.

The little boy stared fixedly at the beautiful angel doll, and suddenly let go of his little hand holding the scissors.

The scissors fell to the carpeted floor.

There was only a faint sound.

Seeing such a beautiful and unique angel doll, his hands seemed to tremble a little.

A beautiful angel should have been pure white.

But he doesn't seem to have this concept.

He only stared at the beautiful doll in front of him, tentatively and gently stretched out his hand.

Carefully, it seems, like it very much, afraid of breaking it.




After hugging the beautiful and delicate angel doll, his light golden clear eyes seemed to turn slightly red.

The thin little arms began to exert force, hugging his doll tightly.

The doll is soft, made of excellent fabric, and has a faint, indescribable floral fragrance on its body.

The withdrawn boy hugged his doll and carefully kissed it.

Then he buried his face in the doll's body.

It seemed a little nervous and a little shy.


He repeated the doll's name in a very low voice.

Like a little rabbit, he kept arching the doll, making his cheeks flushed.

Clingy and lukewarm.

Beautiful doll, motionless.

Outside the window, a wind blew from nowhere, and it silently lifted the drawn curtain.

Under the light and shadow of the light, on the soft carpet, the hanging cards slowly flew up.

Silently, silently, he returned to the table.

Behind the young boy's frail back, there seemed to be a light shadow falling.

Like a ghost, appearing lightly.

It landed on the white carpet.

Black wings, show.




"Are you calling me?"

A soft and tender voice resounded in the silent room.

Like a spring breeze, it suddenly appears.

The little boy who was cuddling the angel doll suddenly froze.

The stranger's voice made him subconsciously tense, vigilant and afraid.

He hugged the angel doll tightly, shrunk his quail-like head, and did not speak.

His long and curly eyelashes fluttered wildly, he bit his lip slightly, turned around, and took a quick look.

Burying his little head back into the arms of the angel doll, he froze for several seconds.

Finally, he jerked his head up.

With wet eyeballs, he suddenly looked in the direction of the voice.

In the midair, flapping black wings, a beautiful and flawless little angel.

Tilting his head slightly, the evil green pupils blinked and looked at him curiously.

The little boy was completely stunned.

Compared with dolls, real little angels are more beautiful and more unreal.

She was small in appearance and looked about his age.

Flapping her petite wings, in mid-air, on her slender ankle, was tied a gorgeous red rope.

A small shadow fell on the carpet, and she looked at him, slowly reaching out her hand.

His eyes were slightly bent, and his smile was obedient and soft, as if he was showing friendliness to him.

(End of this chapter)

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