Chapter 1598 You Are My Faith (10)

Crying out of breath, he wanted to hug her.

Just want to hug her.

However, the hard-hearted angel girl has no expression on her face.

Stretched out a finger and pressed it against his head, preventing him from approaching.

"I can eat people, don't come here."

She still threatened him with this sentence.

It's a pity that this sentence is of no use to him at all.

The teary-eyed boy stared at her pitifully like a stupid rabbit.

Those light golden eyes were red and soft, not at all the cold and dusty feeling of that person.

Instead, he was stupid, with a runny nose, pursed mouth, and whimpered.

He didn't even care that his ears were red.

Looks so stupid.

" are Cesia..."

He was so persistent that he simply got into the horns and never looked back.

Even if she said that she can eat people, he sent it up stupidly, with tears in his eyes, as if he didn't hear it.

"I want to hug..."

Cecia: "..."

It does look like amnesia.

If there is no amnesia, then a wise and deep-minded person, no matter how superb his acting skills are, would not be able to do this.

Stupid and dumb, and looking silly.

She examined him and stroked her chin.

The wings fluttered and slowly fell.

The white feet landed on the soft carpet.

The stupid rabbit who was crying pitifully wanted to hug him immediately.

"and many more."

She held one finger against him.

"How do you know my name is Cecia?"

"you know me?"

The teary-eyed stupid rabbit pursed his mouth and wiped away his tears.

As if he didn't hear her question, he hugged her directly.

It was as if he regarded her as the most beloved doll, he had to hug her, and couldn't leave her.

"Cesia...that's Cesia..."

The stupid rabbit doesn't understand anything, but there is a voice in his heart that keeps telling him that she is his doll.

It's Cesia, you can't let go.

He whimpered and wiped his tears on her skirt.

Stupid, with his little head arched towards her, he kept calling her name, extremely persistent.

"..." Cecia felt that there must be something wrong.





After dinner, Ji Chuchu went up to the second floor wearing slippers.

Because he was worried about his son, but didn't dare to disturb him, Ji Chuchu would secretly listen to the movement at the door every time.

Generally speaking, he would sit on the carpet, read a book quietly, or do his homework.

When it was almost nine o'clock, he would obediently go to take a shower and wash himself, and then go to bed.

Compared with other children, he is really very worry-free.

Peace of mind is almost like a child, but like a mature adult.

Ji Chuchu leaned over and listened to the door.

I thought it would be as usual inside, quiet and quiet, without any sound.

But she didn't want to, this time, she seemed to hear a different voice.

Her son seemed to be talking.

Ji Chuchu rubbed her ears, a little surprised.

Although the voice from inside the room was very small, it could still be vaguely heard that he was talking.

As if talking to someone.

After listening for a while, Ji Chuchu felt strange.

She knows how withdrawn and quiet her own children are.

Even she had to talk for a long time before she could get his response.

And now, in the room, he was talking? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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