Chapter 1603 You Are My Faith (15)

Dumb and silly, like a soft persimmon.

But some stupid person doesn't know what she thinks.

He just clung to her contentedly, like a dog's skin plaster, and couldn't be pushed away no matter how hard he pushed.

Cecia's eyelids twitched.

Pushed him tentatively.


Sure enough, no push.

He was smart enough to know that if he let go, she would fly.

So he always hugs very tightly.

It looks silly, but as if...

He is not stupid.





Day two.

Early in the morning, the servants in the villa were already cleaning up.

At 06:30 in the morning, the sun has just emerged, and the villa is already neat and orderly.

All the luggage was loaded into the car, and they drove away one by one.

Ji Chuchu stayed up all night, but still handled things vigorously and swiftly, and quickly took care of everything.

After all the luggage was sent to the car, she walked out of the villa and glanced back.

With deep eyes, it seems that some decision has been made.

In the car, the fair-skinned boy who had already changed his clothes and wore a hat on his head seemed to be still sleepy.

But despite being sleepy, he was still holding his angel doll.

The doll was held in his arms, and the weight was very light.

Lightly, she leaned against him.

Ji Chuchu got into the car and turned to look at Ji Yuche.

Seeing that he was sleepy but still holding his doll, Ji Chuchu's cold expression eased slightly.

It seems a little funny.

"Little Che?"

The culprit, the sleepy boy, didn't respond.

Just subconsciously hugged his doll tightly.

As if it felt like someone was going to snatch it.

Ji Chuchu had no choice but to look at him for a while, but didn't choose to disturb him.

Sit down and put on your seat belt.

The car's engine started, and soon, it drove away from this place.

And inside the villa, it was empty and there was no one there.





When the group of people in black suits came to this villa with guns in their hands, they were all in vain.

Here, I don't know how long it has been empty.

There was even a thin layer of dust on the sofa, TV, and inside the room.

The man in black wearing sunglasses searched the entire villa.

They spread around like annoying cockroaches.

In the end, they looked at each other, robot-like, with indifferent faces.

Go downstairs and report to the leader.

The man also had no expression on his face, wearing black gloves, and picked up the phone.

"Sir, they're gone."

"Four weeks of monitoring have been investigated, and they left a month ago."

That Ji Chuchu really deserved to be the one who stayed by that man's side for a while.

Because she knew the man's handling style too well, she knew that he would definitely send someone to come.

He needs her child, even if... she refuses to let go.

But Ji Chuchu was never a person who would sit still and wait for death.

She knew that once he gave the order, the people who came would definitely take the child away.

If she resisted, she knew that he would kill her.

He can kill the mother and keep the child.

So, she ran away.

With her child, no one was alarmed.

In the villa, only a few words were heard from the person on the phone, and the man in black with sunglasses lowered his head.

"Yes, sir."

Concise and concise, speaking with cruelty.

After hanging up the phone, the leader put the gun back.

As soon as he raised his hand, someone next to him stepped forward.

"Go check Miss Ji's consumption list and travel records in the past three months, and be sure to find out her current location!"


(End of this chapter)

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