Chapter 1606 You Are My Faith (18)

Ten years later.





A university campus full of golden leaves.

The refreshing autumn wind falls with the setting sun, gently stirring the fallen leaves on the ground.

On the straight main road of the university, the leaves that have lost their moisture are like thin butterflies, shaking their bodies weakly.

It floated up gently, then fell down quickly.

On both sides of the main road.

There was a faint rustling sound.

This small voice should have been the most abrupt existence on Jingshi's campus.

But now, this place was broken by an abrupt voice.

With some noisy laughter and whispers, it spread throughout this road.


"Senior...Senior, can I invite the fraternity party tonight?"

A female student with a high nose bridge and fair skin handed over the invitation letter nervously and shyly.

Because she was too nervous, she even dared not look at the person she was facing.

His ears were red, and he was staring at the ground, not knowing where to put his gaze.

Holding the invitation letter tightly in his hands, he even trembled a little.

In front of her, a young man wearing a black mass uniform stood quietly without moving.

He was tall, with a cool and slender back, and the loose mass gown on him made him look even more sacred.

It seemed that just getting close would offend and tarnish him.

He was standing, holding a "Bible" as thick as a brick in his white and warm hands.

Facing the shy and bold girl in front of him, he seemed to be smiling slightly.

As warm as the sun, his voice is as gentle and courteous as ever.

"Sorry, I need to study at the academy tonight, unfortunately... I can't join your fellowship."

While speaking, he didn't even accept the delicate invitation letter.

She only declined politely, in a gentle and friendly manner.

The girl's ears were reddened by his gentle voice, and her heart became more and more nervous.

She quickly raised her head to look at him, mustering up her courage: "Then...well then..."

It was a well-known fact that he never attended these fraternities.

So the girls were not too disappointed.

Her ears turned red, and she lowered her head again.

Quickly opened the schoolbag, and carefully handed over a wrapped gift box.

"Then...that senior, this is for you."

"This is a cookie I made with my own hands. I just made it...for you."

The elegant and polite young man in front of him still smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend, if I take it, I think my girl will be angry."

"..." This is the reason again.

Every time he refuses a gift from others, he will say that he has a girlfriend.

However, no one has ever seen his girlfriend.

Like it was fabricated out of thin air.

So the girl didn't believe his words at all.

Fearing that he would refuse again, she stuffed the gift box into it, then turned and ran away.

No matter what, don't give him the chance to refuse again.

"Give it to you, you must taste it!"

"..." The elegant and handsome young man lowered his eyes.

He wears light-colored gold-rimmed glasses, with a deep profile profile and a high nose bridge.

Because of his fair skin, his lips were very red.

Soft and red, like ripe cherries.

Red lips and white teeth, clean eyebrows and elegant eyes.

His eyes fell on the gift box that was stuffed in, it was clear and bland, without a little bit of the gentleness just now.

Indifferent, seems to have extreme alienation.

(End of this chapter)

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