Chapter 1608 You Are My Faith (20)

The beautiful angels, even if they only exist in the paintings, are so beautiful that they are so delicate and vivid.

Slender and beautiful skeleton, white as porcelain skin.

She leaned in God's arms, snuggled up, her green pupils, which were as bewitching as jewels, were rippling with charm.

Like a cat, a beautiful and delicate little fox cat.

Flapping its wings, gently, as if about to fly out of the painting.

descended into the world.

Advent—her blessing.

Azazel's warm eyes were quietly watching the beautiful angel on the painted wall.

With a slender and elegant figure, she is dressed in a sacred mass dress.

The bright red lips also seemed to have become a little cold in this too quiet and deserted environment.

Lost a little temperature.

As if, already bewitched by that beautiful angel.

Can not extricate themselves.




Outside the church, night fell at some unknown time.

The twilight of the sky continued to spread from the sky.

As if an ink tank was knocked over by a mischievous angel, it was so thick that there was no light at all.

Faint stars, buried behind thick clouds.

The moon also disappeared without a trace.

Only a crow flew from nowhere, landed on the treetops, and screamed.

Unpleasant and hoarse, and harsh.

Really annoying.




Inside an empty church.

Amid the heavy sound of the pendulum again and again, the young man standing like a sculpture in front of the painting wall finally lowered his gaze.

The light eyelashes fell, casting a shadow.

The unknown eye color is also hidden in it, making it difficult to detect.

The church bell rang on the hour, and the light in the church became even more dim.

It was so dark that there was no ray of light, and even the exquisitely painted wall was merged into the darkness, making it impossible to see clearly.

The young man who was like a sculpture slowly tightened his hands hanging under the mass uniform.

The shallow eyes are lowered, as if they are also dyed with a rich color in this dark color.

A little dark.

The hour bell finally stopped.

A new time starts over.

Soon, in the silent church, a gust of wind blew from nowhere.

Gentle wind, accompanied by a touch of fragrance.

Very light, very light, so light that it is almost impossible to catch.

When the fragrance fell lightly like a flower feather, a light shadow appeared soundlessly.

Slender and delicate ankle, crystal clear bracelet.

Long hair as soft as seaweed, red lips as delicate as roses.

Like an angel, but as charming as a demon.

It makes people lose their souls and don't know where to end.

When the delicate and boneless fingertips silently landed on the young man's shoulder like a sly fox,

Almost instantly, her slender and fragile ankles were grabbed.

As if imprisoned by a heavy iron chain, he was pulled vigorously.

That beautiful person, like a dilapidated and weak butterfly with its wings broken off, was suddenly bound in his arms.

Even the light skirt, like a petal that has lost its support, fell powerlessly, touched the sacred mass dress, and even touched——

That was supposed to be a warm and gentlemanly man.

The man tightly hugged the person in his arms, and even firmly held down the wings that she wanted to flap.

The large mass dress is like an invisible net, which wraps the beautiful angel airtightly.

Covering her, she lost her freedom and the ability to fly.

Angel struggled a bit, pushing him with two slender arms.

(End of this chapter)

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