Chapter 1610 You Are My Faith (22)

Cecia simply laughed angrily.

"Azazel, do you think I can't punish you anymore?"

He didn't speak, but hugged him tighter.

Feeling her wings retracted, he pushed even further, covering her completely.

Tell her not to escape.

"You are late."

He was hoarse, and the tip of his nose rubbed against her skirt.

The voice is low, between the lines, it seems a little wronged.

"It's your fault you're late."

If you make a mistake, you will be punished.

"..." Chesia's hand stopped.

A docile person has soft hair.

Soft, just like the stupid and stupid look when I was a child, even if I was beaten, I just pursed my mouth and rubbed myself, neither crying nor fussing.

No temper, great temper.

When he grew up, he was very dependent on her.

It's fine on weekdays.

But sometimes if she doesn't appear in time, he will become very anxious like a wild beast that has lost its shackles.

Like a fly that has lost its backbone, its reason may run away at any time, and it may make some crazy moves at any time.

Very sick, has reached an extreme state.

Cecia looked at him silently.

The hand on his head also stopped for several seconds.

Finally, she seemed to sigh.

He rubbed his head lightly, just like when he was a child.

"Then, can you forgive me?"

She rubbed his soft hair and asked helplessly.

Of course it can.

The docile beast raised its head and rubbed her cheek.

Facing her beautiful star-like bright green eyes, he was determined.

His dark eyes narrowed slightly.

Sven, but also revealed the breath of scum.

He raised his hand and gently lifted her hair, revealing her porcelain-white delicate ears.

He looked at her and kissed her again.

The movements are extremely skillful.


The man who has grown into an adult, his every move reveals lust.

It is lingering and charming, and even a slight movement can make people blush and heartbeat.

He stroked her slender waist, and through the thin fabric, he could feel the warmth of his palm.

Just like sparks, it only needs a little more to burn completely.

Burn her up.

He said, "Let's go home, I think, and give you a present."

"..." The beautiful and delicate angel blinked.

After the words fell, he hugged her up.

The standard posture for holding a child is relaxed.

Cecia wrapped his arms around his neck.

When she was about to leave, she patted him and raised her chin as a gesture.

"Azazel, don't forget your book."

Azazel didn't even lift his eyes.

Hold her tight.

"Put it here, no one will take it."

he said lightly.

Extremely indifferent.

"..." Chesia was slightly taken aback.





After leaving the church, Azazel returned to the manor.

Holding his angel doll, go upstairs.

He kept his eyes straight, and completely ignored the flirting people in the manor, as if he hadn't seen them.

When Ji Chuchu saw his son came back, he hurriedly pushed Benson away.

Subconsciously began to tidy up his messy clothes.

Benson snorted and held her down.

"What are you panicking? It's not the first time he's bumped into him."

"So what!" Ji Chuchu glared at him fiercely, "He is my son, you don't care, I care!"

Benson was agitated and felt bored for a moment.

He tugged at his crumpled tie, and then took another look at the figure who disappeared on the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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