Chapter 1613 You Are My Faith (25)

The movement was held down, but he fixed her hand aside with his backhand.

Almost all the weight of her body was on her body.

Amazingly hot.

"What if I say... yes?"

He whispered every word in her ear.

The beast that was put on the collar by hand, from the beginning to the end, had an unreasonable desire for his master.

She knows, doesn't she?

The beautiful Chesia stared at him quietly, her skin was as soft as snow.

Looking at his undisguised desire, she seemed to be sighing.

There is a calmness that has long been expected.

She said softly, "You'll regret it, Azazel."

"Trust me, you'll regret everything you tried to do today."

Azazel moved his lips, "Go to hell?"

He stroked her tender cheeks gently, with crazy obsession in his eyes.

"Let's get off then."

Let him suffer the most extreme pain, let him be roasted on the fire, let him be whipped by the devil, let him never be redeemed, never be freed.

He said, "Cesia, all I want is you."

As long as I can get her, go to hell, so what?

Cecia watched him quietly, like a bound beautiful elf.

Fragile, but with a strong unreal beauty.

She didn't speak any more, as if she was in a daze.

Think quietly, lie quietly.


The lights in the room were off.

The curtains were also drawn tightly.

The angel lying on the bed gently pinched a corner of the quilt with her white and slender fingertips.

For a long time, not loose.






Long, long ago, a charming and charming angel made a bet with God.

The bet is, the freedom of the enchanting angel Cecia.

If Cecia wins, then God will bestow upon her the most precious freedom and blessing, allowing her to leave the temple and return to a carefree life.

If God wins, then Checia will obediently stay in God's arms forever.

The stakes are high, but not difficult to accomplish.


Cecia didn't seem to need to do anything at all, God, to lose completely.




"Would you like to play a game?"


"I want to see if the Lord whom everyone believes in... will also sink into the selfishness of the world and cannot extricate himself?"

The benevolent and beautiful god, with light lips, stared at her tenderly.

For a long time, no words.

"What? Don't you dare?"

"So the Lord, is there anything you dare not do?"

She was provoking him step by step, just like the demon Lucifer once did.

Deliberately stepping on his bottom line, provoking him, full of malice.

The warm and white god, with deep eyes like a vast and vast universe, seems to hide everything in it.

Can't see clearly, can't understand.

My mind was very heavy.

The evil seductive angel didn't realize it at all, stepping on him, step by step, gaining ground.

"You're such a...coward" husband.

Before the husband could say the words, he put his arm around her waist and asked softly, "Is it you who made the bet?"

Cecia raised her eyebrows slightly.

After provoking him like this, he didn't even show any signs of getting angry.

Endlessly inclusive.

Even though, she was full of malice.

Cecia was silent for a moment, slightly pursed her lips.

"Okay, bet, it's me."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and deliberately approached him, only an inch away from him.

Ruoyou caressed his cheek and said, "If I win, I want to be free."

(End of this chapter)

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