Chapter 1615 You Are My Faith (27)

It was raining heavily and the well-maintained greenhouse inevitably became a little embarrassed at this moment.

When Azazel came here with an umbrella, the man in black opened the door of the greenhouse.

Inside, there was a low coughing sound.

Submerged in the sound of the mighty rain, it seemed extraordinarily weak.

Azazel didn't go in immediately, but raised his head and glanced at the gray sky.

It was raining heavily, splashing, and thunder flashed from time to time among the thick clouds.

The thunder was very loud, and it rolled among the clouds, making it even more boring.

Azazel watched quietly for a while, wondering if Cesia would be awakened by the thunder.

If woken up, she would leave, would disappear.

He doesn't want her to leave.

Therefore, he should go back early and hold her tightly.

Azazel thought lightly, and slowly retracted his gaze.

Landing in the greenhouse, he stopped for a while before walking in.

Walking under the house full of flowers, he looked at the man in the wheelchair without any reaction.

The eyes are completely strange.

At this moment, the person in the wheelchair was as old as an old tree lingering on its last breath.

His pale hair was falling out, and his teeth were nearly gone.

The wrinkled skin and dull complexion are like the pitted bark on an old tree, which is already too old to look good.

He was sitting in a wheelchair, with a needle in his old hand and an IV drip.

He coughed twice from time to time, as if he was trying to prove that he was still alive.

Azazel stood, looking at him with light golden eyes, completely alienated, without any emotion or anger.

On the contrary, when the old man who was about to die saw him, his cloudy eyes were full of piety.

Excited, trembling, want to stand up.

Want to kneel devoutly.

"I have been looking for you for a long time, Lord."

Because of the lack of strength in his legs, he fell to the ground.

With a heavy sound, the catheter that was attached to the drip was torn apart, exposing the cold needle.

And his hands full of pinholes are shocking.

The people next to him wanted to come up to help him, but he shook his head and refused.

The cross hanging on the neck swayed, and amidst the roar of the rainstorm, it seemed that a ray of light emerged.

He posed in a kneeling posture piously, even though he had no strength, he was doing it desperately.

As if feeling otherwise would offend him, insult him.

But Azazel frowned and took a step back.

Completely indifferent to his excessively weird actions and remarks.

"Do I know you?"

In his light golden eyes, there was alienation and no warmth.

It's like looking at an insignificant ant.

The old man did not look up, but looked eagerly at his legs.

Trembling, the cross on his neck became brighter and brighter.

He said reverently: "Lord, I am your most faithful believer Abraham, and I am willing to spend my whole life guarding your safety and happiness."

"Over the years, we have been waiting for the right time to obey your orders, show up at the right time, and find you."

"Now, the time for your confession has finally come. We can finally meet and fulfill your will."

Azazel didn't speak, and he didn't know whether he believed or didn't believe his astonishing lunatic's remarks.

Seeing the light on the cross getting brighter and brighter, it was almost dazzling.

He was indifferent, turned around and was about to leave.

In the next second, light burst out.

The whole world is shrouded in white light, and time and space are still.

Amidst the pious voices of the believers, the young man who was about to leave stopped in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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