Chapter 1617 You Are My Faith (29)

The light outside the window gradually dimmed, and after an unknown period of time, it brightened again.

In the dark, I don't know day and night.

Cecia's consciousness was chaotic, and he was in a daze for a long time.

She wanted to run away, but Azazel always caught her and kept her from escaping.

It was like giving her the most extreme punishment.

In the end, Cesia, who had completely lost the power to resist, fell into a deep sleep.

In the dream, she was the weak butterfly who couldn't fly out of the big net.

The poor broken wings were twisted off.

It was as if an invisible big hand pushed her into the endless darkness, and she could no longer escape.





Cecia woke up from the dream.

Woke up from the dream, the confinement on the waist is still there.

Azazel was still beside her, looking at her with indescribably calm eyes.

There is a strange meaning.

Cecia suddenly met his gaze and stayed there for several seconds.

Probably because the dream was too suffocating, her eyes flickered.

Then, like an insecure kitten, she threw herself into his arms.

Hold on tight.

"Azazel, I had a nightmare."

she said sullenly.

No abnormality was found in Azazel at all.

Azazel lowered his eyelids, gently stroked her back, and hugged her tightly.

"What did you dream about?"

Magnetic soft voice, low and sexy.

There is an indescribable charm.

Chesia was quiet for a while, shook her head, and said nothing.

Probably because she was really frightened by the dream, she became extremely clingy.

Staying close to him, refusing to let go.



"Actually, I like you too."

The muffled voice fell, and the hand caressing her back stopped instantly.

The man's deep eyes narrowed slightly.

After Chesia's emotions settled down, she felt—in order to prevent problems before they happen, it's better to express her feelings as soon as possible.

She raised her head, stared into his eyes, and said every word seriously.

"Really, I like you and would like to be your partner."

So, don't do what you dream of.

Because, she is afraid.

Azazel didn't speak, just stroked her lightly without using any force.

His calm eyes met her.

There are no waves, no emotions, and no ups and downs.

All thoughts are revealed, very heavy.

It doesn't look like the original Azazel at all.

Cecia was taken aback.

A sense of strangeness flashed through her mind, but she hadn't had time to think about it.

I saw Azazel hugged her into his arms and gently rubbed her head.

He said hello hoarsely, but did not move again.

It seemed that he was really willing to let her rest.

Cecia blinked.

Doubtful, strange, a feeling of something wrong rose in her heart.

But because it was too ethereal and illusory, she couldn't tell what it was exactly.

I just feel that he seems a little too calm.

As if, everything was within his expectations, without exception.

Cecia blinked again.





A few days later, Ji Chuchu finally woke up from the effects of the drug.

Because of taking the traditional Chinese medicine for too long, her mind was even a little dizzy and dull.

She even took a long time to react to what happened before she fell into a coma before she came to her senses.

She got out of bed in a hurry, and ran out of her room before she even had time to put on her slippers.

Just as he was about to rush to Azazel's room, he didn't want to, when he heard a voice from downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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