Chapter 1628 Canary (1)

During the period of the Republic of China, wars were raging.

Beacon March, warlords separatist.

Some people made a lot of money because of this, some people were displaced because of this, and the people were in dire straits.

On the railway train heading to Kyoto, the people in distress were so hungry that their faces were yellow and emaciated, their legs were trembling and trembling.

He was wearing tattered and patched clothes, with a crying child on his back.

One by one, crowded in the small space of the train, stretching their necks, looking forward to it.

Looking forward to arriving at the prosperous Kyoto, looking forward to obtaining a safe place to stay in the chaotic and separatist warlord rule.

However, after a long and long journey, Kyoto is clearly within sight, almost within reach.

The news came like a storm, like a thunderbolt on the ground, blasting through the crowd.

It also shattered their supposedly beautiful expectations.

The Zhili warlord army has already invaded and captured Kyoto.

The Hui faction warlords were forced to retreat, and the two sides confronted each other outside the capital.

At present, all railways leading to Kyoto have been banned, and all personnel are not allowed to enter or exit.

The news that came suddenly like a storm almost instantly detonated the panic and fear of the crowd.

The train was forced to stop halfway, and the coal-burning steam oven released a lot of black smoke.

It spread all the way to the sky, almost blackening that piece of cloud.

"What's going on, what the hell!"

"Really can't go to Kyoto?!"

"Damn it, why are we fighting everywhere? How are we going to live these days!?"

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient! There are less than three miles away from Kyoto. If you want to continue to Kyoto, you can get off here! Although Kyoto is closed now, there are still many hotels outside the city. Endure it for two days, maybe the war situation will ease!"

"...What is it all about!"

"Where is the money to stay in a hotel? If war breaks out, wouldn't you just die here?"

Everyone is complaining.

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to get off, get off quickly! If you don't, shut up!"

The conductor has a very hot temper, and his voice is surprisingly loud.

"Remind you! It's Xiaojun who is in the capital now, and Xiaojun has no rules not to kill civilians! If you want to die, you can go with your head. When the time comes, you will be shot and killed. Don't blame others No reminder!"

There was no sound on the train.

Not even a whimper.

Deathly quiet.

Seeing that none of them moved, the conductor snorted coldly.

Shut the train doors and wave the flag.

Soon, the train whistled for a long time.

The heavy locomotive turned around and headed in the opposite direction from Kyoto.

Those who could not reach Kyoto stretched their long necks and looked behind.

They didn't make a sound, they all spared their lives.





in Kyoto.

The Xiaojun army is indeed killing people.

Burning, killing, looting, killing corrupt officials, and stealing money from black-hearted rich men.

The mansion of the largest wealthy businessman in Kyoto was directly occupied by the army.

All women, children, and servants were all controlled in the open space.

The army, which killed people without batting an eyelid on the battlefield, searched one by one at this moment.

Turned out all the valuable things, and kicked over the rouge and gouache.

The cries of old people and children, and the begging of women for mercy resounded throughout the house.

The crowd outside the mansion watched with sighs, and there were even voices of applause from time to time.

Xiaojun's style of dealing with affairs has always been cruel and ruthless, but I have to say that seeing a wealthy businessman being slaughtered is really satisfying.

(End of this chapter)

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