Chapter 1644 Canary (17)

The very soft sound, like a cat scratching, was very clear in a quiet room.

The man's face is calm.

This time, his palm slowly covered her cheek.

The hot cheeks were as soft as fresh hot tofu just out of the oven, and they were incredibly smooth.

Her rippling and moving eyes looked at him.

He stroked it, as if encouraging her.

"Again, who am I?"

One word at a time, no rush.

He was simply hanging her on purpose.

The sickly beauty pursed her lips slightly, her eyelashes trembling like butterfly feathers.

It seems a little reluctant.

But people have to be good under the eaves.

Under his semi-coercion, the soft cat-like voice softly said: "Pei Chen..."

"You are... Pei Chen..."

As soon as the words fell, her breath was taken away.

The delicate and bright red lips were covered, filled with the breath of a beast.

Like a storm, full of plunder.

Make her breathless.


She couldn't help coughing twice.

Forced to raise his head, revealing his slender and tender neck.

Like an elegant white swan in a lake, fragile, yet delicate and beautiful.

She coughed badly, and the man quickly let her go.

Refill the water and bring it to her.

She drank in a hurry, really thirsty.

After drinking a cup, he stared at him again, his eyes said——I still want it.

The man covered her again.

After kissing for a while, I gave her a glass of water.

It's just taking advantage of the fire to rob, and the behavior is extremely bad.

After finally quenching her thirst, Yun Si felt her lips were numb.

A little burning pain.

He is probably a novice, doesn't know how to kiss at all, only knows how to plunder.

After looting, he doesn't know how to appease.

He only let her go for a while, let her rest, and then fell back up again.

Biting her like a beast.

Poor sick and weak beauty, she is clearly ill, but she is still being bullied like this.

After finally being bullied, her lips were already swollen.

When another cup of tea was brought to her mouth, she drank half of it in small sips.

After that, she shook her head, indicating that she didn't want to drink anymore.

The lips were rosy and rosy, like petals that had been crushed into juice, exuding a strong fragrance.

It makes people more emotional.

Afraid of being kissed again, she wanted to cover her mouth.

As a result, the man who behaved particularly badly pinched her wrist and forced her to look at him.

I asked again, with a deep voice.

"who am I?"

"..." The charming sick man, with red and soft lips, looked at him quietly.

After being made such a fuss by him, her spirit seemed to improve a little.

Looking at him quietly, without speaking, the scent of flowers on her body is overwhelming, almost overshadowing the faint scent of medicine.

Like a delicate porcelain doll, fragile and beautiful.

He seemed easily angered when she didn't speak.

He squeezed her chin and forced her closer.

There is a kind of extreme strength that cannot be denied.

"Look clearly, I, am, who?"

"Pei Chen."

She spoke softly, and followed his words without a single gap.

His clear and beautiful water eyes reflected his flickering expression, like cool water poured on a raging fire.

Instantly off.

The strength in his hand suddenly eased.

Her white and delicate face was very close to him.

It was so close that I could hear her deep and shallow breathing, and I could also see the reflection in her eyes, mixed with tiny rays of light, extremely beautiful.

She looked at him, coughing slightly.

Pursing her red lips, she said, "You are Pei Chen, you have always been..."

(End of this chapter)

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