Chapter 1669 Canary (42)

Buried deeply between her neck, constantly dawdling, smelling the strong fragrance of flowers on her body.

It seemed that the whole body and mind were relaxed, and the cold and handsome eyebrows were also relieved.

The slender and soft man lowered his eyes.

As if tentatively, he touched his head lightly.

very gentle.

"Are you feeling better?"

She was still thinking about his abnormality yesterday, and she was not completely relieved.

Always ask to be assured.

The man whose temperament is always a little cloudy seems to be a little relaxed at the moment.

Without answering, he put his arms around her waist.

He suddenly raised his head, covered her lips, and kissed her.

They rubbed together, very gently.

Licking like a dog.

With a bit of deep infatuation.

And, looming fanaticism.

A beautiful and delicate person with a little cough.

He didn't dislike it either, and kissed even when he coughed.

Repeatedly lingering, the strength is very light.

It seemed to remember that she had been bitten through the skin before.

At this moment, only subtle and ambiguous voices remained in the quiet room.

It makes people a little red-faced.

I don't know how long it took, until Yun Si's lips were slightly numb, and he let her go.

He pecked again and again, kissing her soft cheek.

There is an indescribable frenzy.

Yun Si coughed for a while and wanted to cover her lips.

But he pulled her hand down and continued to kiss.

Behavior is extraordinarily strong.

Until the end, when his kiss was about to land on her neck, he paused for a moment.

Then he rubbed it gently, his voice was deep and deep.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

"Do you need to see a doctor?"

"..." She looked down at him quietly.

"What about you?"

She didn't answer the question, her voice was very soft.

"Yesterday, what happened to you?"

She knew something was wrong with him, in an abnormal state, so she didn't blame him.

However, she still wanted to know the truth.

He didn't speak, only trembling, buried in her neck, as if taking drugs.

Can't control it at all.

Emotions also seem a little weird.

The arms around her waist kept tightening, and the temperature of her body was a little high.

Like some restless beasts, with sharp claws, approaching his rose.

The intimacy that can't be pushed away at all.

Seeing his state, Yun Si frowned slightly.

White and tender hands were gently placed on his head, hesitating for a moment.

Rubbed him like rubbing a dog's head.

He didn't evade, and seemed to enjoy it a little.

The state is indescribably strange.

Yun Si's thoughts sank slightly.






That night, Pei Chen began to stay in her room grandiosely.

At night, her body was like glue, always sticking to her tightly, and she couldn't be pushed away no matter how hard she pushed.

On the contrary, the more he struggled, the more he pressed her.

Until the whole body is pressed against her.

Breathing heavily, he kept touching her cheek.

For her face, she seems to like it very much.

"..." The soft and delicate person lay there panting slightly.

Under the dim light, her charming eyes were slightly rippling with broken light, which was extraordinarily moving.

The strong man starts kissing her eyes.

All the breath sprayed on her face, hot and heavy.

The poor man pushed him, but he couldn't.

Pursing his lips, he spoke, his voice as soft as ever.

"Pei Chen, I think we need to have a good talk."

It was clearly said very seriously, but it had no deterrent effect.

(End of this chapter)

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