Chapter 1673 Canary (46)

"Miss, this winter, we don't have to worry about not having new clothes to wear."

"Just now I heard from the owner of the cloth shop that these are only a small part."

"When the embroiderers in the cloth shop have been working overtime in the past few days, they will send it again."

"At that time, we can change clothes every day!"

The plain man in thick fox fur leaning against the window did not speak.

Just by candlelight, I watched quietly for a while.

It was raining loudly outside, and when she turned the pages, she looked up at the sky from time to time.

Occasionally coughing twice, looking down at the book, I feel very happy.

After Chunhua packed her new clothes, she saw her young lady standing by the window. The wind outside was still strong, so she hurried over and closed the window.

Then she stuffed the hand-warming soup into Yun Si's hand, feeling a little nervous.

"Miss, are you cold?"

"Your body is just getting better now, how can you blow it?"

"..." Yun Si wanted to say that she was fine, but she looked like she was about to babble.

She smiled and changed the subject just right.

"Chunhua, go out and buy some books for me tomorrow."

"Any kind of book is fine, just buy some more."

Chunhua nodded and agreed.

"Miss, do you want to read a book?"


"Okay, then I'll go out tomorrow to have a look, and I'll definitely bring a few boxes back."

She patted her chest, promising.

Yun Si bent her eyes and looked at her, thinking for a while.

He took the golden hairpin from his hair and handed it to her.

"This, you can sell it together, and the money you get in exchange can be used to buy books."

"...Ah?" Chunhua took the beautiful golden hairpin, hesitant.

"Miss, this looks very expensive, are you sure you want to sell it?"

And... Isn't this given to her by the chief?
She likes the Chief so much, why—

The beautiful and elegant person in front of him smiled slightly and shook his head slightly.

"You must have no money, how can you buy books if you don't have money?"

It's just a hairpin, if it's gone, it's gone, and she doesn't care.

She said: "You don't have to buy too many books, just buy a few, and the rest of the money will buy you clothes."

This winter is probably going to be extremely cold. Chunhua is timid and often looked down upon by others, so life must be even more difficult than her.

She patted her on the shoulder and said softly, "Go and buy some winter clothes and jewelry, and buy some cream to apply to your hands from time to time."

Otherwise, if the hands are cracked by freezing, it will hurt to death.

"...Miss..." Chunhua seemed to want to cry again.

Yun Si hurriedly covered her.

"Okay, okay, don't cry."

If she cries any more, she will have a headache.


Xiao Chunhua looked at her tearfully.






The rain gradually became lighter.

It was drizzling outside and the wind was howling.

The lights in the house are bright, the stove is burning warmly, and it is as warm as spring.

When Pei Chen came here covered in cold dew, Yun Si was already going to sleep.

She is weak, loves to sleep all day long, and is pampered extremely well.

Pei Chen entered the room, took off his army-colored robe, and hung it on the side.

With the candlelight shining brightly, his tall and slender figure walked towards the bed.

He undressed and went straight to the bed.

When Yun Si was picked up, the cool scent of soap came from his body, indicating that he seemed to have just taken a bath.

The embrace was very warm, hugging Yun Si, and kissing her directly.

Gentle, but hard to hide strength.

Extremely domineering.

"..." The person being hugged lowered his eyes and did not push back.

Obediently and quietly in his arms, being his good doll.

(End of this chapter)

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