Chapter 1676 Canary (49)

It's still raining outside, and it won't stop.

The thin strands of rain, blown by the cold wind, drifted into the eaves and wet the ground.

Full of cold air.

The continuous rain continued until dawn.

The green bamboo in the yard was wet, and the rain fell drop by drop.

The biting cold in the morning, as if it had already entered winter, made people shiver and couldn't stop adding clothes.

In the room, Pei Chen, who had slept soundly all night, opened his eyes on time due to the perfect biological clock.

The bloodshot has faded away, becoming calm and deep.

The person in his arms was still asleep, and he didn't move.

Close your eyes again, as if remembering what happened last night.

The memory came back quickly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Tranquility looked at the person close in front of her eyes, she was still sleeping, being hugged by him, her body became very warm.

The cheeks are always glowing with a light and beautiful honey pink, and the lips are also extraordinarily red and soft.

Like an immature but beautiful little fox, extraordinarily charming and gentle.

He stared at her quietly for a long time, and after regaining his senses, his movements always became extraordinarily gentle.

Gently stroked her cheeks, neck, and smooth white shoulders.

He grabbed her soft hands and kissed them one by one.

Extremely lingering, deeply nostalgic.

His eyes were dark, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Soon, he got up.

The movements were as light as ever and didn't wake her up.

When he was about to leave, as usual, he dropped a soft good morning kiss on her cheek.

At one touch, he paused for a moment.

The eyelids drooped, and the eyes were slightly dark.

"Sorry, I didn't know...would you mind that."

His voice was low and restrained, as if he didn't want to wake her up.

With his warm hand, he gently touched her soft cheek with pity.

The eyelashes of the sleeping person trembled slightly.

It seems to have a feeling.

The man kissed her again.

Stop there, be still.


"If I tell you, can you...don't be afraid of me?"

He lowered his eyes and muttered softly to himself.






Lively market.

Spring flowers came out early in the morning.

Although it was still raining, the streets were still bustling with crowds coming and going.

Holding an umbrella, Chunhua went into the jewelry pawnshop last time.

The pawnshop had just opened, and the servants inside were still cleaning.

The boss, wearing black round glasses, was clapping his abacus on the counter to settle the accounts.

With nimble fingers, you can count and turn a page.

After Chunhua walked in, the boss looked up at her.

Recognizing that it belonged to the rich family last time, he stopped thinking about it.

His expression became a little subtle in an instant, and he was not as enthusiastic towards her as he was last time.

Chunhua didn't notice his abnormality, walked over and put down the hairpin that the lady gave her.

Straight to the point, concise.

"I want to be this, how much?"

The boss closed the ledger, picked up the delicate golden hairpin, and took a rough look.

Shaking his head, handed it back.

"I can't accept it, take it back."

Chunhua was taken aback for a moment, "Take it, can't you take it?"


The boss didn't say the reason, but turned around and entered the inner room.

Taking all the jewelry Chunhua pawned last time, she returned them.

"You also take these back together."

"..." Chunhua was dumbfounded.

He called the boy.

"Lin Zi, come over and help this girl wrap up these jewelry, and send this girl back."

(End of this chapter)

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