Chapter 1680 Canary (53)

"Is there nothing you want to ask Ma'am?"

Lu Zongsheng didn't answer. He knew that she didn't look carefully at all.

After considering his words, he said, "The chief is very concerned about you, please...don't misunderstand him."

"..." The person inside seemed to be smiling, very lightly, still calm.

"okay, I get it."

"I trouble you to come all the way here. Next time, if you have something to do, if you're not in a hurry, you can wait until the time for the follow-up visit and talk about it together. This will save you effort."

While talking, the document was handed over a little more, and he motioned for him to pick it up.

Clear and cold, obviously extremely gentle, but it always makes people feel a little indifferent.

There is obviously nothing to ask about this matter.

Lu Zongsheng didn't answer.

He paused, and said, "This document is for you, Madam, just accept it and read it slowly."

"If you have any questions in the future, you can send someone to me, and I will answer you anytime."

She hummed lightly.

He didn't answer, and she seemed too lazy to force it.

He placed the files casually on the table and sat down again.

"Ma'am, I wonder if you have other orders?"

Inside the bead curtain, the gentle and beautiful person picked up the book beside him.

Turning to the page I saw before, the voice was still light: "No more, let's go."

Lu Zongsheng had no choice but to salute.

When he was about to leave, he seemed to pause while carrying his suitcase.

Turning around, bowing his head, he said, "His third attack was because someone made a joke of you."

The hand of the person who was turning the pages of the book paused for a while.

"The first and second time, it's because a woman tried to get close to him, and the third time, it's because someone insulted you."

Lu Zongsheng didn't reveal how serious the collapse of the meeting was, and he mentioned this to her just because he didn't want her to misunderstand Pei Chen.

After all, it's rare for Pei Chen to have someone who cares so much.

Lu Zongsheng paused for a while, and continued: "He didn't tell you before, maybe it wasn't because he was on guard, but...he didn't want you to find out...his other side."

Perhaps, the more people like Pei Chen care, the more they don't want her to see his embarrassing appearance.

I don't want her to know that I have such an extreme disease.

It's a pity that he didn't handle this way of evasion well.

Every time he answered with silence, or just avoided talking.

He shouldn't be blamed for this. He has been in the position for a long time, and this has become a subconscious habit of his.

I am used to keeping everything in my heart and never showing it.

Especially some things that he is particularly concerned about, which are likely to become his weaknesses, he will hide them very deeply and never show them.

So early this morning, when he went to the hospital to look for him, he was really shocked.

Such a restrained person showed his fatal weakness for the first time.

It was also the first time I asked him to tell him everything.

He said she was mad, mad at him.

He wanted to make up.

He was shocked, so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Even now, he still can't believe that someone as cold and heartless as Pei Chen would fall in love with someone.

He once said that he would never marry in his life, but now, his mind has changed.

Just because of her appearance.

Lu Zongsheng held the medicine box, looked at the looming figure behind the bead curtain, and said, "You should be angry, after all, concealing something is really hurtful."

"I did something wrong before, and I was rude to you a lot. I apologize to you here."

He bowed deeply.

He said: "If possible, please forgive me, madam, and please...give the chief a chance to explain."

"He really cares about you..."

It's just that it never shows up.

"..." The people inside the bead curtain remained silent, with their eyes downcast, without saying a word.

In the beautiful eyes, the emotion is extremely light.

As if you didn't hear him.

She didn't even look at his deep bow.

His face was terribly calm.

Lu Zongsheng stood there, bent over, and waited for a long time.

The person behind the bead curtain has been silent, and he has always maintained such a respectful posture.

Seems to have to wait for her answer.

It was exceptionally quiet, the room was so quiet that the sound of the wind blowing outside could be clearly heard.

Yun Si held the book in her hand and remained silent for a long time.

Thoughts are heavy.

The people outside the bead curtain were bowing, she closed her eyes slightly, as if she was a little annoyed.

Putting the book down, the voice was very weak: "I don't want to hear these things, let him come and talk to me in person."

After all, it wasn't him who angered her, and what she wanted was never the help of an outsider to say good things.

She only wanted him to come over in person and explain to her.

It has to be, in person.

Lu Zongsheng tightened his hands, as if he understood something.

He stood up straight and saluted.

"Yes, ma'am, please rest assured, I will definitely convey your words."

"..." The person in the bead curtain slowly opened his eyes.

He didn't speak, and didn't bother to respond to him.

Pick up the book and turn it over again.

The side face is cold.

Lu Zongsheng said what needed to be said, explained what needed to be explained, and didn't say anything more.

After saluting, he left quickly.

The door of the room closed softly.

And the person leaning on the soft chair with the book, his eyes fell on the lines of words, as if he was reading.

It's just that the position of the line of sight has not moved for a long time.

The knuckles also turned slightly white when pinched.

As if revealing something.





Not long after, Chunhua came in, carrying big and small bags.

After she came in, the originally silent room suddenly became noisy and lively.

He was bluffing, and the countless words were like machine gun fire, and he couldn't finish what he said.

She put down her things and said, "Miss, miss, I'm going out today."

"Do you know what irritating thing happened to me today? My God, you must be angry if you tell me."

"Today I went to the pawn shop, the one I went to change Dayang last time. I wanted to change the money, but the boss was so annoying that he wouldn't change it for me."

Chunhua is full of anger, and she has to vent all of it to feel comfortable.

"Miss, do you know what he said? He actually said that if he wanted money, he asked you to blow the wind by the bed in front of Pei Chen and say nice things."

"I was so angry at the time, I asked him what you meant by that sentence, but that bastard actually said that everyone in the whole process knew that you and Pei Chen had an ambiguous relationship, oh yes! And this!"

Chunhua also brought back today's morning paper and sent it to Yunsi.

"It's been published in this newspaper, saying that you and Pei Chen are a fiancé couple. I can't read. Miss, can you check it quickly?"

Yun Si's eyes fell on the newspaper, and she seemed to be taken aback for a moment.

"Where did this newspaper come from?"

She raised her hand to take it, frowning slightly, "How dare they write scribbles?"

(End of this chapter)

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