Chapter 1683 Canary (56)

He kept rubbing her cheek, dropped his hand, and held her hand again.

He grabbed her hand and put it on his face, as if he wanted her to touch him.

"Si Si, can I call you Si Si?"

"..." She was slightly taken aback and blinked her eyes.

Without thinking too much, she nodded slightly, "Yes."

"Then, you can call me Achen, or Mr., okay?"

Sir, it is mostly used by wives as nicknames for their husbands.

Yun Si was silent for a while, "Is this not so good?"

He kissed her finger, "Okay, Si Si."

"If you don't dislike me, we'll get married, okay?"

He held her hand and leaned over slowly.

Kneeling down on one knee, the noble head also fell on her lap.

Like a big obedient dog.

It seems to be proposing marriage, and it seems to be admitting a mistake.

"Si Si, my Si Si."

"..." Yun Si looked down at him.

When she didn't speak, he knelt down docilely.

He took her hand and placed it on his head.

Probably because he has never done this kind of posture in his life, nor has he ever made such a gesture of begging for help. His movements seem a bit clumsy.

When he lowered his head, it seemed that he wanted to show her his whole heart.

Constantly rubbing against her palm, the voice was very low.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have said that I didn't want to get married."

"At that time, I was probably crazy to say that."

His stance was low, unexpectedly low.

It's hard to imagine that the leader of the army, who is vigorous and ruthless when he goes out, will now kneel down and admit his mistakes like a prisoner.

If you say kneel, kneel, you don't want any dignity.

Yun Si didn't speak, but wanted to withdraw her hand.

But he seemed useless, but he was able to hold her firmly and not let her stop.

The strength hidden in the bones cannot be changed at all.

The white and beautiful person paused for a moment and looked at him.

There was no doubt that if she refused, he would have a thousand ways to get her to agree.

Among them, coercion, coercion, and control are included.

"..." She stopped retracting and her face was calm.

"Pei Chen, what do you want me to do?"

He held her hand and put it on his face.

"I think you'll give me a chance."


"Give me one more chance, let's start over, okay?"

His voice trembled a little, and his mood seemed to be faintly wrong.

But perhaps he was restraining and suppressing, but he didn't show it.

He just kept holding her hand and letting her touch himself.

It seems that this can calm him down a little and prevent him from getting sick.

Yun Si frowned slightly.

"Pei Chen?"

He knelt beside her legs, his back visibly tensed.

Hearing her whisper, he slowly raised his head.

The phoenix eyes are dark, and the eyebrows are calm.

It's just that there seemed to be faint bloodshot out of those eyes.


A harbinger of mania, the calm before the storm.

Apparently, he really...

Can't stand half of the stimulation.

He pressed against her palm, staring at her closely, his Adam's apple rolling.

"I know I'm sick and crazy, but give me a chance, okay?"

"I can assure you that I will never hurt you half a point."

"..." She looked at him silently, "Pei Chen."


The bloodshot eyes under his eyes became more and more vivid, and the muscles in his arms were tightening.

"Why, when I asked you before, you always didn't answer me?"

"Did you treat me as an outsider?"

(End of this chapter)

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