Chapter 1700 Rose Manor (6)

With his slender and beautiful hands, he placed the rattan crutches in a special place, picked up the tea beside him, and drank a cup.

Unhurriedly, the lip color is light.

After Uncle Wang drew the curtain, he came over and answered.

"Okay, sir."

"After pulling out these words, you want them to plant something else?"

The whole estate is his, and he can dispose of it as he pleases.

Qiao Boxing nodded his fingertips, "You can figure it out."

"It's better not to grow flowers."

There is too much pollen in spring and it smells pungent.

Uncle Wang bowed slightly, "Okay, sir, I'll let them choose some fresh ones."

"Then, do you have any other orders, sir?"

The mild-tempered Mr. Qiao raised his hand, indicating that he can go out.

Uncle Wang just left.

When leaving, he also closed the bedroom door by the way.






Outside the window, the gorgeous roses are still sleeping unconsciously, swaying gently with the wind.

Under the moonlight, the strong fragrance of roses is like the skirt of a beauty, trembling and swaying under the evening wind, it is astonishingly beautiful.

Under the nourishment of the fertile land, the sea of ​​flowers grows extremely well.

Undulating waves, layers upon layers of waves.

The moon poked out from the clouds, and the bright red petals were like a shy girl, quietly revealing the gorgeous flower bones.

The slender branches with thorns, without support in the wind, squeeze each other, vivid and vivid, just like a colorful picture scroll.

Quiet, yet beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

Make people dare not disturb.

Soon, when the lights of the villa were extinguished one by one, the entire manor seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

The posthumous posthumous place is quiet, only people's dreams are wandering one after another, and it is very lively.

At five o'clock in the morning, it was already dawn.

Night and day are intertwined, but still night has the upper hand, and the sky is thickly black.

The temperature is still slightly cool in spring.

In the silent sea of ​​flowers, the beautifully blooming roses seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

In the deep sleep, I have a beautiful dream, which is beautiful and addictive.

The silent murmur in sleep seemed to have magical powers, with a little crystal and beautiful light shimmering.

Thousands of roses rise together to form tiny rays of light like fireflies.

The light is weak, but when gathered together, it seems to illuminate this piece of Nongli's fairyland.

The moonlight is not so bright and clear, and they reflect each other, as if something has changed, and it seems that nothing has changed.

I don't know how long it took, the light seemed to disappear.

In the sea of ​​roses, it fell into darkness again.

Between the densely packed spikes, something seemed to move.

The delicate petals trembled, and then stopped.

The rustling sound came softly.

Then, there was a moment of silence.

Soon, a hand as white and soft as snow stretched out.

Struggling, she pulled away the branch spikes covering her body.

Standing on the fertile land with bare slender and delicate feet, the red dress is extremely gorgeous.

Maybe it's because the surroundings are too quiet, or maybe it's because the sea of ​​flowers is so beautiful.

She stood there with a wine-red dress and long hair like a waterfall of seaweed,
Dazzling, beautiful as a picture scroll, almost integrated with such a fairyland.

Probably a little confused, the beautiful rose elf raised her head and raised her rippling beautiful eyes.

Under the soft and bright moonlight, those pure and clear eyes were slightly tinged with the color of intoxicating red wine.

(End of this chapter)

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