Chapter 1709 Rose Manor (15)

The gentle and graceful eyebrows and eyes are drooping, and the long eyelashes are trembling slightly.

In the calm and dark eyes, there seemed to be some emotion flashing past.

The assistant's voice continued, and he raised his eyes.

His clear and faint gaze lightly landed on the curtain adjacent to the balcony.

The silver-gray curtains, like the Milky Way flowing thousands of miles, hang down long.

Because it is used to block the light, its texture is thicker and it is a soft suede fabric.

There is a wind blowing, blowing one side of it slightly.

The faint fragrance of flowers in the air is more intense.

Unfamiliar and familiar.

The man's eyes fell on the floor-to-ceiling curtain.

Still not moving.

There, the clean and plain curtain was hanging down, and at some point, it bulged slightly.

It's like a naughty and cunning girl hiding there, quietly, and you won't notice it if you don't look carefully.

When the wind blows, the wind will blow the soft curtain.

That inadvertently revealed the passionate color behind.

Magnificent and bright red.

Like a rose in full bloom.


Suddenly, it was the sound of a pen falling.

Suddenly, in the already quiet study room, it looked particularly abrupt.

The assistant's voice stopped.


The man sitting on the office chair looked away.

With a gentle and calm face, he lowered his eyes and closed the file.

Immediately, handed it back.

"Okay, you go out first."

"...What? But sir, there are some upcoming itineraries that need your review—"

The assistant took it by surprise, and wanted to send some documents in his hand.

"Also, here's another document that requires your signature—"

The gentle and cold man took it, opened it, and signed it.

Almost didn't even look at it.

"I still have something to do, you go out first."

The signed document was handed back.

"..." The assistant took the file, but still didn't respond.

After being stunned for a while, he had no choice but to bow slightly.

Do as you please.

Soon, he took the documents and went out.

By the way, gently close the study door.

This time, the already deserted room became even quieter.

It was so quiet everywhere, you could even hear the sound of the petals being blown by the wind outside.

Maybe it's because this place is very open and the space is large, and the faint scent of flowers that was blown in by the wind has become a little weaker now.

Almost unscented.

The man sat there, his clear and gentle eyes fell on the curtain again.

Quietly, without speaking.

Just kept watching, watching the wind blowing in from the balcony, lifting a corner of the curtain.

The thin and bright colors are only a tiny bit.

Unknowingly exposed, like the tail of that cunning fox that inadvertently hangs outside.

The color is bright, hidden behind the plain curtain, the color difference is a bit abrupt.

If you look closely, you can spot it at a glance.

The man's face was warm and pale, he covered his lips, and gave a low cough.

The eyelashes trembled slightly, as if in a dream, trembling violently.

After a moment of silence, he slowly grasped the rattan crutch beside him and got up.

Step by step, the steps are a little limp.

Looking at the rosy blush falling outside unconsciously, the pupils of his eyes were extremely black.

Probably aware of something, the clumsy fox tail was immediately retracted.

The snow is crystal white, flashing by.

It appears to be her hand.

He walked over slowly, the cane making a small sound on the ground.

Not heavy, as if afraid of disturbing the person hiding behind the curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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