Chapter 1712 Rose Manor (18)

And Su Ai, the gentle man sitting next to him, did nothing at the moment.

Sitting there plainly, her beautiful hands resting on her legs.

The side face is gentle and soft, and the eyes are very light, just looking at the sea of ​​flowers outside through the bright and clean window.

The scorching and moving color almost burned the desertedness in his body.

Beside him, there was a book quietly placed.

The book is a bit old, but the title can be vaguely seen - "The Little Prince"

It is a story about the beautiful and charming rose and the little prince.

It is a fairy tale book, very unexpected.

Uncle Wang walked over with the trimmed roses and bowed slightly.

"Sir, here are the flowers you asked for."

A gentle and noble man, his gaze remains unchanged.

He hummed flatly, and kept staring at the sea of ​​flowers outside, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Put it in a vase, and replace all the flowers in the room with it."

He seemed to like the rose, but didn't give it a second look.

The love for it seems to be just an unknown event.

No reason.

Uncle Wang didn't ask any more questions, but said, and carefully put the pruned flowers into the porcelain white vase.

Seeing the book next to him, he stopped for a moment, and then looked out of the window.

In the past few days, for some reason, my husband likes to sit here and look at the sea of ​​roses outside.

Obviously, in the past, I have to close the curtains, because I think the sun outside is too strong.

In the past few days, it has been abnormal, the curtains are wide open, and I pay special attention to the flowers outside.

He didn't say anything, his eyes were always calm.

Uncle Wang hesitated for a while and asked, "Sir, do you have any other orders?"

"Just now Xiaolin said that you have something to ask me."

The gentle and elegant man gave a low cough.

The extremely dark eyes just watched the outside quietly, and the slender and beautiful hands slightly folded.

The "Little Prince" next to him was still there, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, and his eyelids drooped.

Emotions are still not warm, brows and eyes are cold.

He asked calmly, "Do you know where the flowers outside come from?"


Uncle Wang glanced out of the window, "Sir, do you want to ask, where did these flowers come from?"

The man didn't speak, he picked up the teacup on the side and took a sip slowly.

The light lip color became moist and brighter.

Uncle Wang recalled it carefully.

"Sir, you also know that these flowers were given to the old lady by the old man. It was about 35 years ago. At that time, these flowers were bought from a woman..."

"Woman?" He stopped holding his hand, his eyes darkened a little.

"Yes, a woman from a very poor family, she is quite beautiful, and the flowers she grows are also good. At that time, the old man went to the Huyu District for a meeting, and happened to see her selling on the side of the road. She looked good, so he bought it directly. all the roses in her house."

As Uncle Wang said, he continued to add, "Speaking of which, the woman planted these flowers one by one, because she was afraid that other people's actions would be too rough and hurt the flowers."

"What's the woman's name?"

The man's voice is warm and light.

Can't hear the emotion.

Uncle Wang was stunned for a moment, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Sir, I'm afraid... I need to check it out."

"After all, it's been so long, I don't really remember..."

"Then check it out."

He slowly put down the cup, and his gaze fell on the sea of ​​bright flowers outside.

With a calm face, the hand on the side of the leg is slightly tightened.

"No matter what method you use, find out."

(End of this chapter)

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