Chapter 1716 Rose Manor (22)

It seems to be teasing, and it seems to be teasing him.

He blew lightly on the tip of his cold white ear gently, carrying the warm body temperature of her body.

There was almost a "boom--", thunder sounded from the sky.

And the tips of the ears of the man in a state of distress turned red almost instantly.


Trembling, like a flower bud wet by raindrops, burning with shame.

Almost instantly, he raised his arms.

He hugged her tightly.

The cold fingertips were trembling, and they kept stroking her slender and beautiful back.

The long algae-like hair fell into his hands, and he suddenly bit her ear, as if a little annoyed.

To punish her, but not very hard.

The strength of the arms is great, and the hug is also very tight.

As if afraid that she would run away.

"who are you?"

His voice was hoarse, and his eyes fell on her soft long hair.

A little bit of dark green at the end of the hair hangs down, like the branches and leaves of a rose beside it.

It seems that it was inadvertently stained, and there is a kind of indescribable surprise.

The person being held seemed to smile, but did not speak.

Covered by the umbrella above his head, the chill on his body was being quickly dispelled.

His clothes were dry, and so were the bits of wet hair.

Beside her ear was her soft smile, her laughter was soft and her breath was blue.

"you guess?"

Like a big fox with a smooth face, flicking its tail, it is very cunning.

Just don't tell him, just deliberately tease him.

Quietly and silently, weak and boneless hands slowly circled his waist.

The fingertips were like feathers falling, and there was endless itching.

Gently, softly, casually, the uncontrollably hot aroma became more and more intense in the nostrils.

At the moment of that provocative movement, he could feel his body tense almost instantly.

Breathing is also a little heavy.

His lean abs were taut, and the tips of his ears were surprisingly hot.

In other words, the whole body gradually became astonishingly hot.

But even after being teased so viciously, he still hugged her tightly and did not let go.

She was smiling, charmingly.

The shoulders, as slender as sphenoid bones, trembled slightly, as if expressing the joy of the owner, and the dark green at the end of the hair was also slightly swaying in the wind.

He obviously didn't say anything, and was just deliberately teasing him, but he didn't seem to be angry, just hugging her tightly.

Hui Wen's hands kept kneading the back of her neck, trying to press her into his arms.

The action was so eager that he seemed to lose his mind.

At this time, it was still raining.

Even, the rain became heavier.

The sky was still gray and the sun could not be seen.

The pattering rain fell on the roses, knocking off their petals.

When the bright colors appeared in the originally dark soil, it seemed to become a bit brighter.

The chill, also in such bright colors, was gradually dispelled.

The people embracing each other in the sea of ​​flowers, in such a heavy rain, are a little romantic and a little funny.

The glamorous and delicate person seemed to think this was a bit funny, and laughed again.

Make a gesture to push him away.

"Stop messing with you, go back, it's cold here."

He didn't let go.

Almost all the strength was used.

"Tell me who you are?"

His cold voice became much hoarse.

Faintly, with a vibrato.

"How can I find you?"

 Si Si always thought it was a dream, but she didn't expect that the dreams of the two were interlinked.

(End of this chapter)

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