Chapter 1719 Rose Manor (25)

The servant immediately raised his head, "I saw something moving right there with the rose."


"...I didn't see it clearly, but something was moving, the branches and leaves were rustling, and it felt like someone was hiding inside."

Uncle Wang obviously didn't believe it, and cast some sharp eyes at him, "You said there was something dirty without seeing it?"


The male servant wanted to say something more, "It feels like someone..."

"you saw it?"


So he is still too suspicious.

Uncle Wang waved his hand, "Okay, this matter is over, don't be suspicious all the time."

"There are surveillance cameras everywhere in the manor, and people in the security room are watching. If there are unknown people, they will find them earlier than you."

"..." The servant had no choice but to say something.

After a while, he returned to his work station.

He is in charge of pruning the shrubs, and from his position, he can often see the flowers behind them with a clear view.

He stretched his neck and looked for a while, looking at the silent sea of ​​flowers.

The movement just now had indeed disappeared, as if everything was just his illusion.

He put down the scissors and said to himself, "Could it be that I was wrong?"

"What did you see wrong?"

Old man Liu, who was in charge of the construction of the Rose District, passed by him with a water bottle.

His legs and feet are somewhat inconvenient, but his body is still strong and his hearing is good.

He happened to hear his voice talking to himself, and asked casually.

As soon as the male servant saw him, he stopped him immediately.

Pulling him behind the bushes, he looked a little nervous, "Old Liu, tell me the truth, is the flower bush... haunted?"

"What?" Old Man Liu asked with question marks all over his head, "What are you talking about? How can there be ghosts here?"

"Why not?" The servant was anxious, "I can really see something rustling there, as if something is moving."

"And this situation is not once or twice, I can often see it, it's true!"

His tone was urgent, desperately trying to convince him.

"..." Old man Liu squinted at him.

After pondering for a moment, he hooked his hand and motioned him to come over.


Old man Liu limped towards the sea of ​​flowers with a kettle in his hand.

"Come here, come with me."

He motioned for him to follow.

The servant hesitated for a moment and followed.

All the way to the edge of the sea of ​​flowers, the old man Liu put down the kettle and squatted down.

Squat down in front of the clusters of roses and clap your hands.

There is a regular rhythm, as if calling for something.

"Old Liu, what are you doing?"

As soon as the words were finished, there was another rustling sound from the flowers.

The servant trembled in fright.

Just as he was about to step back, he saw a big gray-faced cat coming out of the flowers.

He shook his tail, shook his body, and wiped off the broken grass on his body.


The nimble big cat jumped into Old Man Liu's arms.

Very intimate.

"..." The servant was stunned.

Old man Liu picked up the big chubby cat and looked at him, "Here, what the hell are you talking about."

"Come on, Xiao Yuganer, say hello to this cranky fool."


The big gray cat let out a sound in response to the occasion, very energetic.

The tail flicked extremely happily.

The servant's face froze.

Look at the quiet bushes, and at the big chubby cat.

"No, it's not a ghost..."

His face was full of embarrassment, beyond embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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