Chapter 1729 New Year’s Sweets (5)

After a pause, she narrowed her eyes slightly, "You won't, you just want to take the opportunity to drive me away, and then kill me—"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was knocked on the forehead.

There was a bit of helplessness hidden in the gentle voice of the gods, "No nonsense is allowed."

"..." She touched her forehead.

The gentle and good-tempered god lowered his eyes, his purple eyes were deep and deep, "Don't think like this in the future, do you know?"

She blinked.

She was dull, and it seemed that she had just realized something.

She suddenly surrounded him and leaned closer, "Then you... want to take me to play?"

He raised his hand, pinched her cheek, and asked without answering, "Do you want to go?"

The tone is still soft, like a spring breeze.

She circled him and thought about it.

In the end, he still shook his head, "I don't want to."

They are all a bunch of old gods, and their thoughts are very old-fashioned, so she didn't bother to go.

He looked at her quietly, raised his lips slightly, "then don't go."

If she doesn't go, there's no need for him to go either.

After learning that he would not attend the An Tian Grand Meeting, the heartless goblin was obviously relieved.

She hugged his arm stickily again, and leaned cheekily on his shoulder.

"Hey, I finished the punishment just now, three times, and I copied it half a time!"

She bent her eyes slightly, and her tone was proud, as if she was asking for praise.

In those beautiful eyes, the fine sunlight reflected, like flowers, extraordinarily dazzling.

It makes people panic.

The gentle man, with his eyes downcast, gently wiped off the icing on her lips, still smiling quietly, without speaking.

Very good tempered, amazingly good.

Yun Si stared at him closely and blinked.

In the face of beauty, he was so close again, he was not prepared.

Not at this time...

When will you stay?

She quickly moved closer, like a stealing cat, and kissed the corner of his lips.

It's sweet, sweeter than the icing sugar.

The good-natured god paused for a while, and gently tapped her forehead, helplessly, "You can't kiss a man and a woman, silly girl."

"I'm a man, you are a woman, and you are the one who suffers, do you know that?"

But she smiled, "It's okay, I'm happy to suffer."

After speaking, she leaned over and pecked him again.

Like a chicken pecking at rice, he stopped and kept kissing him.

The soft breath of his body enveloped her, and she couldn't escape, and the hand on her shoulder was very light.

Didn't push her hard at all.

The delicate and charming little girl gradually began to make progress.

The red dress on her body is extraordinarily flamboyant and enthusiastic.

On the side, the little white flower under the tree silently covered the flower, without seeing it.






at night.

Everything is silent in the peach forest.

Under the blessing of the gods, this peach forest seemed to be isolated from the world, quiet and peaceful, without disturbance.

The bright crescent moon in the sky hangs high and straight.

There are no clouds to cover, only the bright stars in the sky.

The stars are dotted all over the night sky.

The peach forest is very fragrant, because the peach blossoms are in full bloom all the year round, so the peach blossoms are always fragrant here.

Even the wind is fragrant, with the refreshing aroma of peach blossoms.

Gently and softly, blowing from one end to the other, lifting the curling petals on the ground.

A wooden house deep in the peach forest.

Yun Si had just finished taking a bath, and with her long wet hair tied up, she came out of the screen.

The bell between the ankles swayed, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

The shadow of the skirt swayed, and under the bright candlelight, it merged with the elegant and slender figure.

(End of this chapter)

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