Chapter 1743 Rose Manor (32)

"What's your name? How old is it?"

He didn't seem to care whether she was a cannibal or not.

Just asking these irrelevant questions.

Even pushing her little by little like this, she went to the bed.

Tell her to retreat step by step until there is no way to retreat.

"... Yunsi."

"'s hard for me to say," Yun Si looked back unconsciously, "Actually, I just cultivated human form recently, not long ago..."

"If you count from the seed, it's probably... about a hundred years old?"

Among goblins, this is already very young.

She retreated to the edge of the bed at last, already touching the cushions.

The man grabbed her wrist and held on tightly.

"Can you spell?"

"……A little bit."

She looks at him.

"Will you fall into a dream?"

He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it.


She blinked and shook her head, "Yes, but I haven't been in your dream."

After saying that, her chin was lifted, and the man's plain voice fell.


"...?" She looked puzzled, "I didn't."

"I'm telling the truth."

"Liar." He still had those two words, his face extremely pale.

Can't tell if he's angry or not.

Yun Si looked at him quietly.

"I didn't lie to you, I really never entered your dream."

"Then why, you are all in my dreams?"

He asked calmly, as if he was bound to get her answer.

Yun Si was startled, " your dream, is there me?"

For no reason, she instantly thought of the previous dreams.

Because his touch was so real, as if he had really appeared beside her, she—

Yun Si's face froze.

"You... what did you dream about?"

"What do you say?"

He was leaning against the bed, his extremely tall figure felt inexplicably oppressive.

A heavy sense of oppression, leaning over, in her ear.

As in a dream, suddenly, he blew into her ear.

The movements are exactly the same, as if even the temperature is the same.

Warm and warm, with the soft breath on his body.

This made Yun Si slightly widen her eyes, with a look of astonishment on her face.



he asked calmly.

Putting one hand on her waist, the real touch seemed to make him very fond of it.

He couldn't stop rubbing, even tightening.

Some effort.

The person who was forced to retreat to the bed covered his lips and was stunned for a long time.

His eyelashes trembled, trembling constantly, as if he had recalled something.

Look at him, then dodge back to the line of sight.

A moment of silence.


She opened her mouth, "I don't will be like this."

"I thought it was my dream..."

That's why she dared to tease and tease him so unscrupulously.

Because I knew it was fake, so I——

"But now, that's my dream too."

His breath was in her ear, his voice was low and moody.

"So, what are you going to do?"

For some reason, he has become extraordinarily strong now.

Pressing every step, not giving an inch, a little too strong.

It makes people feel terrified.

Yun Si subconsciously glanced at the back, there was really no place to retreat.

She looked back, a little dry.

"Well... If my behavior hurts you...then I apologize to you?"

"Or...or what you want, you can mention it, as long as I can do it, I will satisfy you."

"Just take it as...spiritual compensation?"

(End of this chapter)

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