Chapter 1750 Rose Manor (39)

The woman in the photo only has a profile face, not a full face.

The clothes on his body were also pajamas, loose and loose, and nothing could be seen.

But that body is exquisite and beautiful...

Really pleasing to the eye.

Also really, eye-catching.

It is superb.

Qiao Zhenhuan's intuition from being around women all the year round told him that there was a high probability that that woman was ecstasy.

Just don't know...

What happens when you get up on the bed.

His Adam's apple rolled slightly, expressively.

"This woman, you'll know it when you see her."

If I can put it in his crotch...

That might really be a—good story.

Photos down.






Early in the morning, Yun Si, who was picking out clothes in her room, felt a chill for no reason.

Inexplicably felt a little uncomfortable.

She looked at the new clothes and rubbed her arms.

Before he could think about it, the man behind him hugged him.

His chin rested on her shoulder, and his breath was warm.

Wrap her up for peace of mind.

Warm peace of mind.

"What's wrong? Cold?"

Even if the gentle and clean Mr. Qiao is in love for the first time, he still feels so skillful and calm.

Naturally, there is no half-heartedness and discomfort.

He always likes to hug her from time to time to show his liking.

There is no disguise at all.

Yun Si shook her head, and randomly took out a T-shirt from the closet.

"It's not cold, it just feels weird suddenly."

"What's wrong?"

He hugged her waist and leaned close to kiss her.

Kissed gently, superficially.

It won't look too much.

Yun Si didn't know how to answer his question.

After all, it's just a faint feeling, and I can't say it.

She still shook her head and said, "Maybe it's just my illusion, it's nothing."

She said, clapping his hand.

"Release first, I'm going to change clothes, you turn around."

Mr. Joe didn't move.

She only brushed her hair lightly, her eyebrows and eyes were gentle and fair.

"My Si Si, so pretty."

His voice was soft and his tone was soft.

She was born with a pair of affectionate eyes, staring deeply at her, the color of the eyes is extremely black, black bottomless.

It makes people feel confused about any emotion.

He always likes to look at her like this.

Then touch her face.

Not very strong, but still gives people an indescribable feeling.

I always feel like I'm being watched by something.

Yun Si paused.

Then she stood on tiptoe, and just like his action just now, kissed him in style.

Heavily, even squeaked.

"This way, are you satisfied?"

Her beautiful and bright eyes stared straight at him without avoiding it.

It's a response to his feelings.

Straightforward response.

The sharp-minded Mr. Qiao raised his lips slightly.

He hugged her and rubbed her head.

As a sign of his satisfaction,

"Good Sisi."

He praised in a low voice.

"..." She felt helpless.

"Si Si."


"Later... There are guests coming, you can stay here for a while, okay?"

Probably because he was afraid that she would be unhappy, he kept rubbing her gently as a comfort.

"It'll be all right in a little while, not long."

Yun Si: "...a guest? Is it a very important guest?"


The man's eyes became a little pale when she couldn't see him.

Faint, no emotional waves.

"It doesn't matter at all," he said.

"It's still takes a little time to push it away."

"You wait here for me, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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