Chapter 1752 Rose Manor (41)

He was looking at her, not hiding it.

The woman's lips trembled slightly, she was caught, and her expression seemed flustered for a moment.

But soon, she calmed down.

Squatting down, with the desk in the way, she conveniently stuffed a certain document into her bag.

Soon, she stood up and tossed her hair.

He straightened his body and said, "I'll come up and help Mr. Qiao get a document down."

"What? Is there a problem?"


The person who was half leaning behind the door raised his eyebrows, his eyes fell on the messy documents all over the floor, with great interest.

"What documents are you taking? Tell me."

"...I...Why should I tell you?" After the woman calmed down, her eyes became a little sharp, and she swept her up and down.

Secretly, slowly took out the phone from the bag.

The camera of the mobile phone was aimed at her silently.

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you?"

"Me?" Yun Si glanced at her mobile phone with a half-smile, half-smiling, and dragged out her tone slowly.


"Let's think about it... I should be Mr. Qiao's..."


She smiled slightly, her face not red or her heart beating.

Not in a hurry, just taking it easy, delaying time.

Like teasing a mouse, he teased her black-heartedly.

He even deliberately opened the door of the study.

The door is open, and if anyone passes by, they can see the situation inside at a glance.

When the woman saw her open the door, her expression changed slightly.

Squatting down, he hurriedly picked up the scattered documents and piled them up again.


She was blocked at the moment, obviously not in a good mood.

She wanted to attack, pre-emptively, but probably out of consideration, she took a deep breath.

After putting the files back, she walked over.

He smiled, and his attitude became a little better.

Very familiar.

"So it's the future sister-in-law. I'm sorry, I didn't know you just now. I was a little rude."

"...Let me introduce myself first. My name is Qin Zihan. I am Qiao Zhenhuan's girlfriend. After some calculations, I can be regarded as half of Mr. Qiao's younger sibling. This is the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

She held out her hand as a gesture of friendliness.

Yun Si still crossed her arms and looked at her indifferently.

He didn't speak up, and he didn't say anything.

Qin Zihan waited for a while, but did not get a response.

But her face was still calm, she lowered her head and smiled, holding her bag, and withdrew her hand.

The tone is exceptionally natural.

"Sister-in-law, it happened just now. Zhenhuan and I came to visit today mainly to discuss some business matters."

"Of course, these business matters... I don't understand, and I can't get in, so I can only listen from the sidelines."

"It just so happens that Mr. Qiao and Zhenhuan talked about a project just now, and we need to discuss the relevant content carefully. You also know that Mr. Qiao's legs and feet are not good, and I happen to be free, so I volunteered to come up and get it."

"Unfortunately, this document is quite difficult to find. I just couldn't find it after searching for a long time, so I have to go down and ask Mr. Qiao, where is this document."

"Well, sister-in-law, if you have time later, wait for me here."

"After I send the file over, let's have a sneak chat and get in touch, how about?"

"..." Yun Si looked at her, did not speak, and slightly curled her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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