Chapter 1754 Rose Manor (43)

Otherwise, most of the bargaining chips will be lost in this land case.

Uncle Wang opened it and flipped through it, then asked: "Miss Yun, did that woman open it just now?"

"No, she hasn't had time yet."

Yun Si rubbed her chin and thought, "So I think...she must be scolding me in every possible way..."

She looked at her hand and smiled.






Downstairs, Qin Zihan, who had come out and was waiting in the car, was constantly flipping through his bags.

Poor little bag, it was stretched too big.

All the small belongings inside were shaken out, empty, nothing.

"Fuck me-"

Qin Zihan was simply scolding her mother.

What about the things she managed to bring out? !
She clearly remembered that she stuffed it in the bag, and was afraid of falling out, so she secretly closed the zipper.

Why did it disappear? !

Qin Zihan didn't believe in evil, so he read it three times.

Even afraid of missing something, he even lowered his head to find the place under the seat.

No, just no.

That thing that was so hard to get, just disappeared like this!
Qin Zihan was so angry that he dropped the bag worth 10,000+.

All kinds of swear words have been cursed thousands of times in my heart.

I wanted to take a photo as soon as I got it and send it out, but the result——

The plan fell through.

Blame that bloody bitch who came out of nowhere!

Qin Zihan kicked the driver's seat hard.

That strength was like trying to kill someone.

Not long after, Qiao Zhenhuan also came out of the villa with a dark face.

A group of bodyguards followed him, called to send, but in fact to rush.

It looked like it was almost torn apart.

The car door was slammed shut, and Qiao Zhenhuan immediately said, "Have you got it? Did you take a picture?"

"..." Qin Zihan's arrogance was instantly extinguished.

With his hands on his lap, he sat stiffly, not daring to look at him.

"Take... got it...but..."

"It's good to have it."

Qiao Zhenhuan sneered and didn't listen to her next sentence at all.

"let's go!"

Qin Zihan's shoulders shook, but he didn't dare to speak.

The one who was scared was also because of a guilty conscience.

The bodyguards outside stood in a row with expressionless faces.

The driver starts the engine and drives off.

The car drove slowly towards the gate of the manor.

The marble sculpture fountain was rushing, Qin Zihan glanced out.

She didn't notice if she didn't look at it, but after looking at it, she saw the woman standing on the lighting platform on the second floor, watching the play with her face resting on her face.

The woman was dressed in comfortable home clothes, with long hair, and her complexion was extremely fair under the sun.

It's beautiful, but also extremely annoying.

She didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end, and she didn't know how long she stood there watching.

Just leaning against the edge of the armrest, you can vaguely see her smiling from a distance.

Naked, as if laughing at her futility.

Probably knowing that she looked over, the person on the second floor made a shh and silence gesture.

He raised the document in his hand and motioned for her to read it.

As if to say, look, what you want is here.

Extraordinarily reckless and reckless.

Almost, a knife was stabbed hard into the heart of the person.

He was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

Shivering cold.

Qin Zihan turned his whole body to his side, and kept staring at the gradually distant place.

Until she left the manor, she couldn't see anything, and her expression still couldn't be recovered, it was extremely ugly.

It's like the whole face is covered in stinky shit.

(End of this chapter)

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