Chapter 1765 Rose Manor (54)


Before the servant at the side could ask, she turned around and ran upstairs.

With a bang, the door closed heavily.

There was no more movement.

The servant was full of doubts, "Ma'am, this is..." What's wrong?
They look at each other.

At this moment, in the closed room, Yun Si's figure disappeared.

The scent of roses dissipated and nothing was left.

The air conditioner was still blowing, and it was extremely warm.

Outside the window, it was still raining.





accident scene.

The scene after the explosion was full of chaos.

It was raining, and the rain had no tendency to stop at all. Instead, it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger until it drenched the entire city.

The temperature dropped almost below zero.

The firefighters arrived at the first time, and the urgent warning sound resounded through the sky.

The raging fire was gradually extinguished in the rainy night.

Shards of glass, metal bars, and the car that had been deformed and lost its original appearance were all over the floor.

The ambulance was beeping, beeping, staying nearby.

The cordon was opened, and the crowd gathered outside, discussing a lot.

In the dark rainy night, there is cold rain everywhere.

The rain fell on the ground, washing the blood that was slowly flowing out of the car.

The bright red blood continued to spread, as if it had lost its vitality.

The warm temperature also dissipated completely under the washing of the icy rain.

Firefighters and traffic police quickly deal with the scene and rescue the people in the car.

The walkie-talkie buzzed, and one of the firefighters ran up to the brigade captain, panting, and the hot air he exhaled turned into white mist.

"Captain! There are two injured men in the car!"

"Hand them over to the paramedics, quick!"

The captain ran over together.

Carry a stretcher and save lives.

"...God, this car accident is really serious..."

The crowd outside the cordon with umbrellas talked a lot.

"Look at that little car, it's about to be crushed..."

"Who said it wasn't... just now, I saw that truck coming over with a whimper, running a red light without braking, probably drunk driving."

"Oh, it's so miserable..."

At this time, behind the crowd, stood a person who was drenched in the rain and didn't bring an umbrella at all.

The icy rain soaked her thin clothes, and her cheeks were pale, almost frighteningly white.

The rain slid down her porcelain-white skin, drop by drop, silently falling to the ground.

Her eyelashes were wet and trembling, and her beautiful light red eyes were fixedly looking in the direction of the destroyed car.

The ambulance personnel rescued the two people covered in black in the car, carried them onto a stretcher, and sent them to the car.

Her icy fingertips drooped, and her bloodless lips were slightly pursed.

Slowly, he took a step back.

Cover your heart, rub and press.

The brows gradually frowned, feeling uneasy and extremely uneasy.

Where is he……

Her eyes trembled slightly, and her gaze was silently placed on the two people lying on the stretcher in the distance.

Fortunately... Those two people are not him.

Yun Si slowly lowered her hand and backed away.

Leaving from the crowd of onlookers, drenched in rain, barefoot, stepping on the icy ground, his body was extremely thin.

A passerby held an umbrella and cast a strange look.

Looking at this delicate and beautiful woman, but with a somewhat lost expression, she couldn't help but feel pity in her heart.

She lowered her eyes, as if she couldn't feel the cold, she kept walking along the street.

The clothes on his body are thin, only a thin sweater and thin pants.

Her waist-length hair was sticking wetly to her back, and her cheeks were extremely pale from the cold.

Cold all over.

Bitter cold.

(End of this chapter)

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