Chapter 1774 Rose Manor (63)

"Meiya..." He tremblingly lifted the woman's messy hair, wanting to look at her.

But the woman kept shrinking back and lowering her head as if frightened.

The body shivered uncontrollably.

It was as if he had suffered some inhuman torture.

"Don't hit me! Ah--don't hit me!"

She kept raising her hands to cover her face.

The skinny body was like a withered yellow leaf, lifeless and extremely dim.

It hurts badly.

Qiao Zhenting's eyes were red, "Meiya...Meiya..."

"Brother, what's going on?"

He hugged the skinny woman, feeling a little out of control.

I even forgot to be afraid.

Fortunately, Mr. Qiao, who has always been mild-tempered, doesn't care about these things.

He just lowered his eyes and looked at them pitifully, his gentle and white face was as merciful as a god.

The voice is calm and extremely soft.

"I found this at my second brother's house. She kept calling your name. I was like your ex-girlfriend, so I brought it here for you to see."

Now it seems……

It really is.

Qiao Zhenting was astonished, "My second brother?!"

He lowered his head and looked at the tortured woman in his arms.

Unbelievable, even looked at her stomach.

She is very thin, very thin, and she is so thin that there are not many pieces of meat on her body.

Only the belly is surprisingly big.

Like a ball that is about to be burst, it may explode at any time.


Qiao Zhenting let go of her, as if she was burning.


The moment of joy of reunion is like being poured a bucket of cold water.

It was almost hard for him to accept it, and he didn't even dare to accept it.

The woman's spirit was no longer normal, she just shrank there after being pushed away, her body trembling unceasingly.

He lowered his head, still maintaining the posture of hugging his stomach.

It seemed that she knew that she was pregnant and her stomach could not be hit.

Qiao Zhenting looked at her and slowly backed away.

Can't help shaking his head.

" shouldn't be like this..."

How could he accept her like this?
How does this make him accept that she is pregnant with his second brother's child? !
He would rather she disappeared and her body was found than this result...

" is not my Mei Ya..."

He categorically denied it and kept backing away.

"I don't know her... I just made a mistake... She is not my Mei Ya..."

" don't know her, brother..."

Every word he said was in denial.

As if running away from something.

Extremely fickle and cold-blooded.

"Take her away! I don't know her!"

"Pull away!"

Soon, the man in black pulled the woman away.

The woman didn't resist, she was dumbfounded, and her spirit was already out of order.

There is no human appearance at all.

As for Qiao Zhenting, he just sat slumped on the ground.

His face was full of despair, like a drowned chicken in water.

Without saying a word, he was dejected and panicked.

Obviously, he hasn't escaped from the stimulation just now.

Mr. Qiao sat there with gentle eyes, without any extra emotion.

Looking at his poor younger brother, he was extremely sympathetic, and seemed to be able to tolerate his wayward actions all the time.

He tapped and tapped with his fingertips, and said gently and slowly:
"That child is also your nephew. If you have a chance in the can go and see it."

Qiao Zhenting sneered upon hearing this.

"I'm not as magnanimous as my elder brother. I will go to see other people's children."

(End of this chapter)

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