Chapter 1786 Duplicity (7)

He subconsciously took it out and took a look.

Seeing the transfer amount above, he was stunned, a little dazed.

Youyuan's beautiful pupils stared at her.

"Turn... turn too much..."

The voices are small, immature and soft.

Grabbing the phone case unconsciously, his knuckles turned white.

He only looked at the woman in front of him, his ears were red and tight.

Yun Si pursed her lips, hummed, and put down the phone.

"Not much, the rest is labor costs."

She reached out and took the rose in his hand.

The rose was wilted, a little unsightly, but she seemed to have not noticed it, and gently touched the petals on it.

To show her liking.

"If you have any more in the future, you can contact me."

She looked at him, her beautiful peach eyes were extremely rippling and alluring.

With a smile on his face, he is very approachable, without the pretensions of a rich man.

The boy holding the schoolbag stared at her quietly.

She took his rose, put it under her nose and sniffed it.

He stared at her without speaking.

The hand that was tightly clutching the shoulder strap loosened slightly without knowing when.

Yun Si took the flowers and looked inside the car.

After searching, there is no place to put flowers.

After thinking about it, she handed the flowers to him, "Hold them for me, I'll buy a few vases and place them later."

"You don't need to buy it, I have it at home..."

The boy who had been staring at her all this time said something strangely.

No brain at all.

As soon as the words came out, both of them were taken aback.

Yun Si was fine, but looking at the young man who was talking, he lowered his head all of a sudden.

His cheeks were flushed, and the hand that had loosened the shoulder straps slightly tightened it again.

Eyelashes fluttered and couldn't stop.

The poor and delicate lips were bitten again.

What a stupid rabbit, he can't even hide his thoughts.

"..." Yun Si looked at him, paused for a while, and laughed.

"Will this be inconvenient?"

"If it's inconvenient, forget it, don't force it, I can go to the flower shop to buy some later."

She didn't press her step by step, but held the distance kindly.

The rabbit-like boy bit his lip.

looked up at her.

It seems a little ashamed.

"It's's's convenient..."

"This way... save... save some money..."

While talking, he paused again.

Probably thinking that a rich person like her doesn't seem to need to save money on those few vases.

On the contrary, he thought too much.

Thinking of this, he showed a bit of annoyance.

He lowered his head and stopped talking.

Sitting in front of her in embarrassment.

With two legs together, sitting like a primary school student.

Straight to the point.

The character is really exceptionally good.

Yun Si smiled lightly.

Unable to bear it, he reached out and rubbed his head gently.

The hair is soft and warm.

He was visibly startled when his head was touched.

Like a frightened bird, he didn't know where to put his hands.

He just stuck his neck stiffly and lowered his head.

Quietly being touched, patted on the head, some ambiguous actions.

"Okay, let's go to your house then."

Her voice fell on with a smile, her tone rose slightly, slowly, with a somewhat provocative tone.

She rubbed his head for a while, and it felt so good that she couldn't put it down.

But soon, she accepted it as soon as she saw it.

Withdraw your hand and sit down.

Like nothing happened.

"where is your house?"

She started the engine.

"..." The snow-white boy sitting in the passenger seat lowered his head, his cheeks were already flushed.

(End of this chapter)

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