Chapter 1798 Duplicity (19)

"..." The boy's face was calm.

"So, I will be in charge of you in the future."

Yu Xuewei began to briefly introduce herself.

"My name is Yu Xuewei. I'm 36 years old. I'm older than you. You can call me Sister Weiwei from now on."

"I also said just now that I like women, I have a girlfriend, and I am very affectionate, so you don't have to worry about this."

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Yun said that you don't accept unspoken rules. I know about this. You can rest assured that such dirty things will not happen."

She vouched for him, and Yun Si secretly protected him from behind.

From now on, his path will only be very clean, nothing else will happen.

She said all these words before, just to reassure him.

However, the young man who had been standing at the door didn't seem to pay much attention.

He quietly lowered his head and said nothing.

Look a little unclear.

Yu Xuewei paused for a moment, looked around, and said, "You should clean up these two days and move out of here."

"Since you want to be an artist, you must be prepared to be an artist."

"With your face, once you appear on the camera, fans will flock to you, and it won't be suitable for you to live here again."

"As for where you're going to move, the company has made arrangements for you. I've sent you the address on your phone. You pack up today, and I'll pick you up tomorrow."

The boy leaned against the wall, still saying nothing.

Just so quietly, eyelashes drooping, eyes dark.

The mind is completely unclear.





After meeting Jiang Wen, Yu Xuewei went to the coffee shop she had made an appointment with Yun Si without stopping.

It was ten o'clock in the morning, and it was a working day. There were not many people in the coffee shop, and the environment was very quiet and elegant.

A wooden window separates each location, the location is far away, and the privacy is strong.

Outside the coffee shop, there were not many pedestrians on the street, most of them were old people who came out for a walk.

Through the glass window, inside, Yun Si was sitting there, drinking coffee leisurely.

Watching the people coming and going outside, her gaze was indifferent, very indifferent, with an indescribable sense of indifference.

It was as if they were cut off from the people of this world.

Everything has nothing to do with her.


The door of the cafe was pushed open.

There was the sound of high-heeled shoes kicking and kicking.

In the quiet environment, it looks exceptionally abrupt.

"Miss Yun."

Yu Xuewei, with red lips, stood in front of her and stood still.

Bow slightly.

Yun Si slowly put down the porcelain white cup, "Sit down."

A beautiful woman with a gentle voice.

Extra crispy and soft.

This made Yu Xuewei, who likes women, couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

"How? Is he all right?"

In front of him was a delicate, fair-skinned person with braids, a plain face, and barely dressed.

But that face, which can be called stunning and beautiful, still does not lose its color.

The beautiful peach blossom eyes met her, clear and indifferent, without any extraneous emotion.

Ordinary, yet inexplicably attractive.

Attractive sight.

Yu Xuewei's heart skipped a beat, and she said, "It's okay, but...he doesn't seem to be very talkative."

Yun Si nodded slightly, agreeing, "He is indeed more introverted."'s easy to be shy.

In a big dye vat like the entertainment industry, this can be said to be like a sweet potato.

(End of this chapter)

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