Chapter 1800 Duplicity (21)

I always feel that I am not satisfied with anything.

Yu Xuewei walked over with her bag, and without any surprise, saw the interface on his phone that he hadn't had time to close.

She raised her eyebrows, before she had time to say anything.

The boy put the phone away directly and looked at her.

Very peaceful.

Seeing his appearance, Yu Xuewei didn't intend to say anything about it.

Walking towards the gate of the villa, he said as he walked, "This will be your resting place from now on, so you can stay at ease."

"Oh, by the way," she seemed to have remembered something, turned around, and looked at him meaningfully.

"Boss Yun's house is next door. If you have anything to say to her, you can also go to the next door to find her."

The movement of the teenager holding the schoolbag was obviously tight.

The light gray round pupils are somewhat dark, and the soft lips are slightly pursed.

"She...she lives next door?"

Yu Xuewei folded her arms and did not answer.

"If you want to know... you can ask her."

"Anyway, you have her contact information, just ask, it's very convenient, isn't it?"

"..." The young man held his fingers and did not speak, very quiet.

Just staring at the villa next door, biting her lip slightly.

I don't even know what to think.




into the villa.

All the furniture inside has been arranged.

Spacious and bright, the location is excellent with light.

There is ventilation inside and outside, and there is an air conditioner that is cool.

It is really a pleasure to live in such a comfortable big villa in such a hot summer outside.

Unparalleled enjoyment.

Yu Xuewei put the script she had prepared early in the morning on the coffee table in the living room, and said, "You should take a good rest these few days and read the script."

"This is a new drama that Director Zheng Yuanli is currently preparing. It is a costume drama that requires extremely high acting skills."

"You are still a newcomer, unknown, and have no special training, so this time the plan is to show your face first and let the audience get to know you first."

"When you are familiar with the process of filming, I will find a special acting teacher to guide you."

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you just finished the college entrance examination? How did you do? Can you get four hundred cultural points?"

Yu Xuewei took out the tablet, put it on the tea table as well, and continued:
"Since you've decided to take the actor's path, how about applying for the college entrance examination, please fill in the drama art academy?"

"No matter what, audiences and fans nowadays still place great emphasis on academic qualifications. If you only have a high school education, it's not nice to say it."

"...Jiang Wen?"

After talking for so long, he didn't say a word, which always gave people a feeling of uncertainty.

Yu Xuewei looked at him and saw him standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, quietly holding his schoolbag, looking at the opposite villa.

He didn't seem to listen to what she just said.

He just stood there quietly, not knowing what he was looking at.

"..." Yu Xuewei slowly crossed her arms.

"You like Yun Si?"

As soon as these words came out, the boy turned his head almost instantly.

Like a cat with its tail stepped on, it stutters and speaks fast.

"No! I... I didn't!"

His beautiful round pupils trembled wildly, and he didn't seem to know where to look.

I was completely blown away, and finally spoke and got a response.

"I didn't!"

I don't know why I was so anxious to deny it.

Yu Xuewei was thoughtful.

"That's right, you'd better not like others."

"After all, she has a husband, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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