Chapter 1810 Duplicity (31)

"Then why don't you take off the mask?"

The beautiful fair-skinned man looked around, lowered his hat, and shook his head.

"No, I don't want to be found out that I'm here."

If she is seen again, report it to the police. I'm afraid that in less than a minute, the whole company will line up to welcome her.

Such a big battle, think about it or forget it.

Yu Xuewei laughed, "You really don't look like a rich man."

Ordinary rich people like to watch these big battles.

The bigger the formation, the better.

Instead she...

The man in the mask shrugged and said he didn't care.

"By the way, how is he?"

Yu Xuewei took a sip of coffee, "He..."

It's hard to say.

She paused and spoke slowly.




In the distance, "Ding——"

The elevator doors opened slowly.

Inside, a man wearing sunglasses with red lips and white teeth came out.

The expression is a little disturbed.

Behind him, the agent is still following, persuading.

"Yuyu, you can just take part in this show. The investor said that it can't do without you..."

"And this program is not without benefits for you, so many female guests will participate, and it is said that actress Zou Shiyun will also participate."

"Don't you like Zou Shiyun? Isn't this opportunity just right for the two of you to get together?"

"Besides, you—"

Dong Yu's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he made a stop gesture.

He stared straight in the direction of the distance for a while, then patted the manager on the shoulder.

"what happened--"

"Look quickly, is that Yun Si?"

"...Ah bah, can you call Yunsi's name?!"

The manager almost exploded, "How many times have I told you that you should be called Mr. Yun."

While correcting his address, he also looked over.

I didn’t notice it if I didn’t look carefully, it’s really so careful...

The manager covered his mouth in surprise, "Really!"

It's no wonder that Yun Si didn't hide herself, it's because her temperament is so recognizable.

Even with her face covered, it's not hard to see that she's overly outstanding, whether it's her figure or her long hair.

Once people see it, it will be unforgettable.


The manager was a little dumbfounded, "Why did she come to the company? No one from above informed..."

If Yunsi came, the president's office would have notified her immediately to welcome her, how could——

Dong Yu didn't speak, and immediately picked up the phone.

From a distance, I took a photo.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

The agent quickly stopped him, "You don't want to send it to the company group, do you?"

Dong Yu glanced at him and snorted, "Of course not."

He wanted to take a picture and send it to Jiang Wen.

Clicking on the message dialogue bar, he first sent the photo and then edited the text.

She's in the company now, with your agent, don't you want to come and see?
After editing, click Send.

The other party did not reply, and the message was displayed as unread.

It seems that the mobile phone is not nearby.

Dong Yu took back the phone.

Seeing the two men drinking coffee and chatting from a distance, he stroked his chin, seemingly thoughtful.

"You said... If I go up and disturb them...will I be scolded?"

As soon as he said this, everyone could hear the maliciousness in his tone.

The manager immediately stopped him, "Don't mess around!"

"Mr. Yun has a very close relationship with the boss of Qiao's Group. If you dare to mess around and offend her, believe it or not, you won't be named in the entertainment industry tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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