Chapter 1833 Duplicity (53)

Jiang Wen, who had unlocked his new identity, adapted quickly from the beginning.

That night, all the luggage was brought over.

Move to Yunsi's villa and live with her.

Too proactive.


Yun Si opened the door and saw someone standing outside.

Wearing a sweater, carrying a backpack, and behind him is a big suitcase.

Just standing there, not even wearing a mask, just a hat.

The dark and soft eyeballs stared straight at her, and his lips curved.

It looks like there is an extremely strong contrast.

So soft that you want to touch his head.

He clasped his hands and hung on his chest, in this way he assumed the pleading posture of a puppy.

Staring at her eagerly, the voice is very obedient and soft.

"I'm afraid to live alone, can I come and live with you?"

"I promise, I will be obedient and not mess around."

"..." This sentence is like that paper wall, it sounds beautiful, but there is no guarantee.

Yun Si put her hands on her waist and squinted at him.

"Jiang Wen, do you think I will believe this?"

If she believed it, she must have seen a ghost, right?
The more active Jiang Wen lowered his head and blinked his eyes.

Look at her, don't speak.

Play stupid, pretend to be thorough.

Yun Si looked at him.

Poker face.

one second...

two seconds...

three seconds...

No one spoke first, so it was deadlocked.

One pretended to be stupid and the other blocked.

In the end, the person inside the door gritted his teeth.

Letting go, as if compromising, he turned and went in.

The door was not closed.

The man standing outside the door looked at her with slightly bright eyes.

Like a child who got candy, he immediately carried the suitcase and came in.

It looks like a big dog wagging its tail.

Yun Si walked a few steps, suddenly thought of something, and turned her head.

Just wanted to emphasize the rules of living here.

As a result, a certain big wolfhound held her face directly.

Extremely strong.


It was the energetic young man who didn't give her a chance to resist at all.

Step by step, he pushed her back to the edge of the sofa.

Finally, both fell down.

The long hair was scattered, and the woman's slender and white arms were pushed aside.

I can't break free no matter what.

Like being targeted prey.


At the entrance of the gate, backpacks and suitcases were thrown there casually, quietly, and left in the cold.

No one cares about them at all.

The curtains in the villa were drawn tightly, and nothing could be seen from the outside.

A silence.





"Quick, quick! Did you take a picture?"

On the driveway outside the villa, an unknown car was parked there.

Inside the car, the sound of the camera shooting clicked and clicked.

The flash flickered, even a little dazzling.

"It's filmed, it's filmed! Finally! Finally!"

The paparazzi who have been squatting here for several days finally captured the shocking news.

The newly promoted Jiang Wen, the top streamer, actually had a private meeting with an unknown wealthy woman late at night!
They even thought of the title to send out, and the title was named—Shock!Jiang Wen may be taken care of by the unspoken rules of the rich!

If this photo is sent out, it will definitely earn a lot of money.

Several paparazzi heads gathered together, flipping through the pictures in the camera, excited.

"Hey! This angle is good, Jiang Wen's face is exposed!"

"This one is not bad either. Jiang Wen and that woman took it together."

"... Where's the face? Did you get that woman's face?"

(End of this chapter)

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