Chapter 1842 Duplicity (62)

Itchy and tender, like a puppy.

Yun Si couldn't help hiding for a while, and was amused.

"Jiang Wen."


He kept rubbing against her, humming in a low voice.

It's like being coquettish.

Don't have any shame.

Like a rascal.

Yun Si patted his hand, helplessly, "It's not good."

He was still buried between her neck, humming softly.

Super sticky, body temperature is hot.

It was so hot that people wanted to push him away.

Yun Si was hugged by him, she lowered her eyes.

For some reason, she pursed her lips slightly.

He didn't say anything, just raised his hand and rubbed his head gently.

A piece of warm and quiet.

"Jiang Wen."


"Be good." She smiled.





a few days later.

Jinnan Island was selected as the shooting location for Jiang Wen's new drama.

Since the Joe Group took over, Jinnan Island has been developed extremely well.

Various tourist attractions, business circles, and residential areas are planned here, gradually forming an empire with great commercial value.

Many wealthy people will choose to take a vacation here, eat, drink and have fun.

On weekdays, there are also an endless stream of tourists who come here to travel here.

Throughout the year, Jinnan Island's revenue is extremely impressive, and it can be said to be a financial island with every inch of land.

The degree of its prosperity has attracted the envy of many people.

In addition, in addition to the development of Jinnan Island, it also retains a large number of original scenery that can be viewed, so there are often film crews here on weekdays.

In particular, a large sea of ​​flowers is planted in the south of Jinnan Island.

The flowers reflect the sky, the sky reflects the sea, and the sea reflects the flowers.

Bright, soft and strong color difference, very visual impact.

It can be said to be perfect for shooting as a background on the set.

Therefore, the filming location of the new drama is temporarily selected here.

All filming crews were present on Wednesday.




When Yun Si returned to the manor, the housekeeper was already waiting at the door.

As usual, welcome her back.

The gate of the manor opened slowly, and the vehicles drove in slowly.

The quiet manor seemed to be isolated from the world, and it was quiet everywhere, with only the occasional crisp bird chirping.

Even more quiet.

In the manor, the flowers are strong.

Like a daughter's home that has been carefully cared for, it is delicate and beautiful, and it is more beautiful than the roses outside, and it is also amazingly beautiful.

At this time, it was summer, and the temperature on the surface had reached [-] degrees Celsius.

It was a little hot at one point.

But probably because of being on the island, the temperature in the manor is cooler and more pleasant.

The gentle wind blows gently, bringing the fragrance of roses everywhere.

The delicate red color spread out like a soft carpet, shaking gently.

It seems that the girls are singing happily, carefree, innocent and beautiful.

After getting out of the car, the housekeeper who had been waiting at the door of the villa bowed slightly and smiled.

"Welcome home, ma'am."

She always treated her with respect, like it was programmed.

Yun Si got out of the car and hummed.

Standing by the car door, he didn't close the door immediately.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and pulled the person out of the car.

The housekeeper's face remained unchanged, still smiling.

"You are welcome too, Mr. Jiang."

She was the person left by Mr. Qiao before his death, and she was very loyal to her.

No matter what outrageous things she has done, she can always accept and deal with them quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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