Chapter 1866 Entangled (1)


In the huge and empty cave, the dark wind blew in gusts, and there was a humming echo.

On the steep rock wall, from time to time, a stream of water slowly flows out of the cracks, dripping into the small puddles on the ground, and the sound of the water is crisp.


Everything is quiet here.

The deep cave seems to be blocked by the rocks outside, not revealing a ray of light.

Everything is dark, cool and silent.

It looks like a giant sleeping monster lurking, with its mouth wide open, faint and extremely cold.

From time to time there is wind blowing.

at this time,

A slender little snake is spitting out a small snake letter, and it is hovering at the entrance of the cave, looking around curiously.

Along a small gap under the rock, go down silently, and probe.

It can feel the cold and damp environment inside, it is wet, and it seems to be completely soaked in water.

Even the cold air was filled with cold water vapor.

A mist, accompanied by the dripping sound of "tick-tick".

Extremely quiet.

It hung its body, probed there, and felt for a while.

Soon, nature gave it judgment.

Inside, it will already be very suitable for its living.

The little snake made sure it knew how to do it, and began to look for a place to get in.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by boulders, and where it touched the moist water vapor inside, it was almost covered with moss.

Wet and slippery, the hole was squeezed out of place.

It took a long time before it found a small slit through which it could pass.

The water vapor blowing from inside could almost feel the extremely cold temperature inside.

The little snake hesitated for a moment, then slowly poked its thin and flat head in.


As soon as he entered half of his body, the heavy and powerful pressure inside came to his face.

The innate hierarchical pressure between species is like a mountain, fearful and oppressive.

The little snake was frightened instantly.

The slender body fluttered, and immediately retreated in horror.

Falling off the wet mossy stone, he ran away in a panic.

It's like hiding a giant monster inside.


in the cave,
The deep, dark cave resounded with the heavy and powerful sound of the wind.

Now and then, in bursts.

It seemed to be coming from the abyss of the cave, even through the huge rock at the entrance of the cave, it could be faintly heard clearly.

Like the breathing of a ferocious beast, it was heavy and astonishing.

It's frightening, and I don't even have the courage to find out.

After the little snake ran away in a hurry, there was complete silence here.

No living things, no sound.

Only the regular sound of dripping water from the depths of the cave.


As if never ending.




I do not know how long it has been.

In the dark cave, there was finally some movement.

There was a small voice, accompanied by a few muffled hums.

From behind the huge rock blocking the entrance of the cave, the sound was extremely small, so small that it was almost covered by the regular sound of water droplets.

The cave is dark and cold.

The temperature seemed to drop below zero.

It was cold, and the biting wind came from nowhere.

Blowing, blowing out from the depths.

After blowing to that boulder.

The water vapor in the air was so cold that it almost condensed into a block.

Under the boulder, at this moment, there is a soft white ball curled up.

As if unable to bear the cold of such a cave, and seemed to be injured, the little white fluffy ball just curled up there, unable to stand up all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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