Chapter 1874 White Fox (9)

Here is its nest, although it is not big, it is safe.

There are outstanding people in Lingxian Mountain, and there is a sect of cultivators here, so no monsters would dare to live here.

It is comfortable to live here.

The white fluffy fox lay on his little bed, stretched his limbs, and yawned big.

The black eyes are delicate and charming, and the tip of the tail is soft and beautiful.

It looked at the egg that was placed in the corner, and the tips of its ears trembled slightly.

Slowly, close your eyes.

A good night's dream.





that night.


"It's not good, it's not good! The big thing is not good——"

The mountain in front of Lingxian Mountain belongs to the Xuanzong sect.

A disciple hurried up the stairs with a letter in his hands in a panic.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he broke into the gate of the meeting hall and disturbed the quietness of several elders.

Several elders were about to go back to their room to rest.

Interrupted by that disciple's hurried voice, everyone's expressions were a little displeased.

Che Yungong, the head of the Xuanzong sect, stood at a high position with his hands behind his back and wearing a Taoist robe.

The appearance of a fairy tale.

"What's the matter? Minghua, how can you be so panicked?"

The little disciple guarding the door hurriedly sent the letter over.

"Master... Master, just now the Demon Palace sent someone to send a message..."

"They... they said... that we stole an extremely important item from the Demon Palace, and if we don't return it on time—"

When the elders heard that it was a letter from the Demon Palace, they immediately stood up in unison.

"What do you mean?"

The little disciple cried, "I... I don't know..."

"The people in the Demon Palace said to hand over this letter to the head, specifically...specifically..."

He doesn't know wow...

Che Yungong didn't speak, and immediately opened the letter.

After browsing quickly, I frowned, and read it carefully several times.

"Magic Palace, what does this mean?"

He looked at several elders.

Several elders took the letter and circulated it.

"What? The magic palace's treasure is gone?"

"...But what does this have to do with our Xuanzong sect?"

The disciple who sent the message seemed to have remembered something, and quickly took out a jade pendant from his pocket, shaking his voice.

"The master... the master, the people in the Demon Palace also said that the senior brother and the second senior brother are in their hands. If they don't return it within three days...they will give the senior brother—"

The jade pendant was delivered up, and Che Yungong looked at the jade pendant on his closed disciple who never left his body with a heavy expression.

It sinks badly.

"Presumptuous! Our Xuanzong sect is a majestic sect, we practice the right way, and we walk the right way, how could we steal things from their magic palace?!"

"It seems that this Zuo Huang really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, so he slanders if he says slander?"

"He said we took it, but is there evidence?"

"Yeah, why do you say we took it?"

Those elders were also very angry.

"It's just too deceiving!"

"Where is the person in the magic palace now?"

Che Yungong flicked his sleeves and looked at the disciple.

The disciple hurriedly pointed out with trembling hands.

"Wait outside, if you don't want to pay back, don't... don't say it's those senior brothers, if you don't pay back after the deadline... the demon... the army of demon clan... will be flattened Fairy Mountain..."


It's too deceiving!
Che Yungong's face turned blue with anger.

"Go! Go meet him!"

How dare they put the false accusation on the head of their Xuanzong faction! ?

Several elders took the letter and left the meeting hall together.

(End of this chapter)

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