Chapter 1879 White Fox (14)

"I heard..." It was a little mysterious.

"Talk, talk, talk!"

"Speak quickly!"

A companion next to him flapped his wings and slapped it on the head.


"...Oops!" The colorful bird covered its head.

A little sad.

"What's the rush, I'm about to say something."

Saying that, it cleared its throat.

He patted his chest and straightened his chest under the attention of everyone.

"It's like this..."

All the birds looked at it with anticipation.

It slowed down and spoke eloquently.

"I heard from my cousin's second aunt's aunt's neighbor's daughter's fiancé that he worked in the magic palace and got a little inside information."

"It seems to say... what is lost this time is actually not something, but..."

"It's about the rebirth of the Demon King."



"What did you say!?"

The birds who were gathering their ears to listen lost their voices.

There were even a few of them who were almost unsteady and about to fall.

"You mean... say... Yan... Yan Yu?"

"Shh - don't say that name!"

The bird next to him covered it.

There have always been such rumors in the demon world, and the name of that devil cannot be said directly.


That narrow-minded devil who always repays his flaws will come to them and kill their entire family.

"It's terrible... This is simply terrible, is he going to be born again?"

The flower-green bird who brought back the news nodded and looked at everyone's surprise with satisfaction.

When it got the news before, it reacted the same way.

It's just unbelievable.

It said: "It may be like this. The news is very reliable. My cousin's second aunt's aunt's neighbor's daughter's fiancé said that this matter is very important. Because of this matter, the guardian of the Demon Palace is in urgent crazy."

That's why they clung to the Xuanzong faction and insisted that they return the stolen things.


The consequences are unimaginable.

"But, that Yan...ah no, isn't he already dead? How could he be born again?"

The birds panicked.

All of them huddled together, without the previous comfort.

"If he is reborn, wouldn't he want to...kill all directions again?"

Back then, he led the Demon Palace and destroyed the entire world almost to the point where it was not what it was.

Now again?

It's going crazy!

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of panic couldn't help spreading.

The green bird saw it, and immediately spread its wings in a serious manner, saying:
"Stop, stop, don't panic, don't panic."

"This matter is not as bad as you think."

"Look, isn't this the theft of the Demon Palace? If it is stolen, it is uncertain whether the devil can be born smoothly, so please don't panic and see how the situation is."

It is like an old man, talking in one set of ways.

But this still failed to appease everyone.

"What if we find it? Then what should we do?"

"God, why does the Demon Palace always scare people like this?"

"... No, I want to move, leave here, the farther away the better."

"Then I want to move too!"

"I also want!"

Under the tree, the Xuanzong sect disciple who passed by looked up at the birds on the tree.

Shaking his head, he said, "These birds are really noisy. They chirped endlessly early in the morning."

"Who said no."

Those walking with him also looked at the birds.

"I really envy them, they are carefree."

(End of this chapter)

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