Chapter 1891 White Fox (26)

There was no surprise on the faces of the adults. It seemed that they all knew that the eggshell would disappear soon.

"...It turned out to be a damn fox."

Zuo Huang hammered it hard, and was out of breath.

"There is an enchantment there, how did it get in!?"

Yin Xin was still drinking slowly.

It’s not too big to watch the bustle.

"It's just an enchantment, and it's not impossible to break it. Thinking about it, it should be that the fox has a little skill."

Zuo Huang didn't raise his head, "Impossible! The barrier hasn't been broken at all!"

"When I got there, the enchantment was still there. It was a little demon who had only cultivated for a thousand years. Why did it get in?"

Several of their guardians couldn't get in, it was a little monster, and it just got in! ?
Simply ridiculous!
Hearing this, Yin Xin stopped drinking, and finally showed a hint of surprise.

"Has the barrier not been broken?"

"It's not broken." Zuo Huang clenched his fists and insisted.

"There is no sign of being breached at all, and it is still intact."

"..." This started to make people a little surprised.

Yin Xin and You Qing looked at each other.

The two sat up straight.

"If it's not broken..."

"Doesn't that mean that it was put in by permission?"

You Qing seemed to be thinking.

It feels more and more wrong...

The meaning between the lines in his words gradually deepened.




that night.

Che Yungong took a group of disciples to theory.

The demons standing in front of Lingxian Mountain ignored them after receiving the order.

He directly withdrew his troops and came back.

Before leaving, I said lightly, sorry for the misunderstanding.

There is no sincerity.

Totally nasty.

Che Yungong's blood was about to rush to his forehead.

It's just going to blow people up.

Fortunately, the Mozu knew that they had misunderstood themselves, and threw back the kidnapped disciples.

Although people are tortured beyond human appearance, they still have their lives.

Only then did the turmoil subside.

Although there are still many people discussing and curious about what is lost in the magic palace.




late at night.

deep grass.

Two pointed snow-white ears stood up.

Shaking and shaking in the night wind, she was clever, and under the bright moonlight, she was extraordinarily beautiful.

It just hid in the tall grass, quietly, like a lurking hunter.

Pay special attention to the big fluffy tail and put it away.

not moving at all.

Hold your breath.

Beyond the tall grass, there is a big tree.

The trunk is extremely thick, and the branches on the tree are also extremely luxuriant.

Under the moonlight, the exuberant branches and leaves rustled in the wind.

Shaking slightly, under the treetops, it was pitch black.

It was dark, like a whirlpool, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Can't see five fingers.

The beautiful fox hiding behind the tall grass waited for a long time.

Seeing that the time was almost up, it raised its paw and patted the immobile poisonous snake wrapped around it.

The voice was extremely soft, like a thief.

"Baby, are you asleep?"

The snake moved, and the cold snake letter licked its ears.

As if to say, did not sleep.

The fox stood up, "It's time, let's go."

After finally being able to make a trip to Yaoshi, there is no need to delay.

The poisonous snake made no sound and entangled it tightly.

Even the tip of the tail is tightly wrapped.

It rested its head quietly on its back.




Tonight is the annual demon city conference.

There are many wandering demons who will gather in the demon market at this time.

Exchange monster coins, purchase panacea, and various magic tools that are helpful for cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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