Chapter 1909 White Fox (44)

She didn't know how to describe it either.

But the meaning is always the same.

"..." Yan Yu narrowed his pupils slightly.


His tone was cold, his voice was extremely soft, and he murmured.

For this word, it seems to feel a little strange.

It's as if I've rarely heard of it before.

Yun Si blinked.

"...Is that why I misunderstood the meaning?"

She probably has experience, she didn't even think about it, and immediately followed suit.

"Then just pretend I didn't say it, I take back what I just said, it's not marriage—"

"No," he cut her off in an eerie tone.

Hissing, like a poisonous snake spitting out a dangerous snake letter.

"It's marriage."

He let go of her slightly and pressed her forehead against her.

Face her eyes.

"It's getting married, it's meeting your parents."

He changed quickly, even though the word had never occurred to him before.

But acceptance seems to be only at that moment.

Easy to accept.

Yun Si looked at him quietly.

"Actually, I just... just said it casually."

Unfortunately, he took it seriously.

He rubbed her face, narrowing his eyes slightly, "Get married...what do I need to do?"

He has lived for tens of thousands of years, but still has no experience in this area.

Only heard the term.

But alone, not knowing what to really do.

The knowledge area is almost completely blank.

Yun Si directly raised her eyebrows, "You..."

Don't know?
He leaned against her, his pupils were cold, "I should, you know?"

"..." Yun Si was silent for a while.

"Then you won't still be—"

She coughed lightly, probably thinking of it.

This bad snake, in some respects, is as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

Yan Yu seemed to see through what she was thinking, and his cold fingertips slid across the corners of her lips.

He snorted without a trace, his emotions and anger were unclear.

"It seems that you have a lot of experience?"

The tone of voice became more and more weird, a little sharp and harsh.

Yun Si blinked at him, "What do you think?"

An extremely small-minded man with a calm face,

He looked at her calmly, without saying a word.

Terribly quiet.

In the next second, the frozen ice on the ground cracked.

"Crack——" it burst open.

The ground also shook a bit.

Shake violently.

Yun Si:!



How small is Yan Yu, and he must retaliate, but Yun Si doesn't know.

All she knew was that a certain snake was angry, and it was the kind that was hard to coax.

When he returned to the fox's den in Lingxian Mountain, he had a gloomy face and remained silent.

Ignore her and don't respond to her.

The thick ice condensed in the cave, spreading to the depths of the cave.

Even the waterfalls and pools were frozen over.

Everything that is icy is frozen.

Yunsi's bed was also covered with ice, which hardened the bedding.

It was so hard that I couldn't sleep at all.

"..." She wanted to laugh helplessly.

He looked at the quilt that was hardened into a slate, and then at the huge snake that exuded air-conditioning.

It just sits there and doesn't stick to her anymore.

Too quiet, the scales on his body were extremely cold.

Almost turned into ice skates.

It looks childish.

Inexplicably childish.

"Really angry?"

She was smiling, hiding a smile in her eyes.

The narrow-minded poisonous snake didn't respond and ignored her.

She raised her hand to cover the uncontrollable upward curve of her lips.

"Ignore me?"

Still no sound.


She coughed lightly, and the corners of her lips curled down.

"You really don't want to talk to me anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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