Chapter 1912 White Fox (47)

She frowned, lowered her eyes, and looked at the cold and gloomy poisonous python in her arms.

The poisonous python was too lazy to wrap itself around her body quietly and slowly as if it had no bones.

The flat and terrifying snake head rested on her shoulders without a sound.

Faintly, spitting out scarlet and cold snake letters.

It was very heavy, and the razor-sharp scales on her body slid on her neck without pain.

But can feel cold.

Bitingly cold.

Directly, through the skin, just like this.

It's like being entangled by the bones of a dead person, and it's so infiltrating.

There is an indescribable sticky feeling.

A certain fox, who dislikes snakes by nature, shook the fox's ears uncontrollably.

Ignoring its movements, it hugged its entire snake body.

Without any hesitation, he picked up a cloak and put it on himself.

The poisonous python quickly entangled her tightly.

The slender body was completely bound by the poisonous snake body.

Shocking, and extremely terrifying.

Yun Si put on her cloak to block the terrifying poisonous python.

Quickly, go out from another exit of the cave.

Remove the blocking stone to reveal a small hole.

The sunlight from outside shone in, shining into the cave full of ice.

She dodged and left this place with the poisonous python.




When Che Yungong received the news, he rushed over almost non-stop.

He brought a group of elders and capable disciples to join Sun Chun.

They gathered together not far from the cave and held an emergency meeting.

He didn't dare to launch an attack, and he didn't even dare to go up to inquire.

He only ordered a group of disciples to put up a defensive posture and guard.

Not dare to act rashly.

Not even a sound came out.

In the distance, on the hillside.

That beautiful fox in a cloak was just hiding behind a big rock.

The pointed fox ears stood up, and the beautiful eyeballs stared at the crowd gathered at the foot of the hillside without blinking.

The cold poisonous python under the cloak wrapped around her body, wrapping her waist extremely tightly.

It just moved slowly, wrapping around her body.

The flat and terrifying snake head poked out soundlessly.

From the cloak, wrapped around her neck.

Just lying on her head, quietly.

The snake's tail was still hooked to the tip of her fox's tail.

Hooking slowly, it seems loose, but it can be tightened in an instant.

Even strangled.

The fox beauty shook unconsciously.

"Say, what are they waiting for?"

She has a small voice, talking to the poisonous python.

"I've been waiting outside, are you planning to sit on the sidelines?"

This is not like the style of the Xuanzong sect.

When Xuanzong sent to kill their white fox clan, he raised his sword and rushed in.

How can it be like now, those old bastards have been standing outside for a long time, and they still don't go in?

it looks like...

Strange indeed.

The poisonous python entangled her was quiet and did not make a sound.

Just laying on her head like that, looking a little lazy.

Lazily, exposed to the sun.

The golden sun shone on its silver-ringed blood-colored snake body, and the warm temperature did not dispel the chill on its body at all.

Instead, the blade-like scales stretched out.

Under the sun, it really looks like a dagger with its throat blocked by blood, reflecting a gloomy cold light.

Extremely dangerous and poisonous.

Like a wicked devil in hell, at the touch of—

will be destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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