Chapter 1914 White Fox (49)

The group of elders who were so worried that they hadn't discussed a countermeasure didn't react immediately.

They didn't notice until a disciple hurried over with a compass and interrupted their discussion.

Yan Yu seemed to have left.

The gloomy cold air seemed to dissipate in the blink of an eye.

Return to normal temperature.

The elders who originally thought that there might be a big battle looked at each other and looked at each other.


"Don't Yan Yu want to fight?"

"Has he changed his mind?"

"Could it be that he has been hidden for a period of time, and his skill has been greatly reduced?"

There are all kinds of guesses, but I just don't know which one is the reason.

Che Yungong was worried, so he released a psychic talisman to investigate.

Soon, the psychic talisman flew back.

Che Yungong took the talisman with a strange expression on his face.

"He really left."


According to Yan Yu's bad temper, it shouldn't be...

Why is this?

It's really puzzling.

It was difficult for the elders to understand.






Demon world.

The demon gate.

All kinds of ghosts come and go, queuing up to pass through.

The horizontal gates in the center are blocked by barriers, and every time one passes through, the barriers will fluctuate a few times like the surface of water.

Make a gurgling sound.

It shows that it is the demon that enters, not other things that should not enter.

The guarding demon soldiers were all sharp-mouthed and monkey-cheeked, with dead faces, holding weapons and standing in front of the gate.

Check ID badge, pass, next.

The job is simple, but boring.


Today's errand is the spider spirit.

He took the tiger spirit's ID card in front of him, glanced at it, "passed."

Like a machine without strength, it has no emotion at all.

Tiger Spirit took back his identity card, and soon walked into the barrier.

Without any surprise, the enchantment grunted.

To show that he is a monster.

Next person.

The ID card was handed out with a clean hand.

Fine white and soft, the roots are like onion roots, and the fingertips are beautiful peach pink.

There is a pleasant fragrance from the body, lightly, not heavy.

But it is very thought-provoking.

Can't help but daydream.

The spider spirit raised his head and glanced at the monster in front of him.

Oh vixen.

No wonder.

His eyes fell on her pure white cloak.

I couldn't help but wavered in my heart, and almost wanted to tease me.

But fortunately, he still remembered that recently there was a regulation from above that molesting vixens was not allowed.

If it is discovered, it will be punished directly with the most severe demon punishment.

Although I don't know why, I still remember the rules.

The spider spirit remained expressionless and responded flatly, and returned the ID card to her.

"One identity card can only pass one demon, those without an identity card can go to the side to register, and two demons cannot pass through the enchantment at the same time."

His tone remained emotionless and routine.

The veiled fox demon blinked her beautiful and seductive peach blossom eyes.

Putting away the ID card, she pointed in the direction there, and said kindly in a soft voice: "They said that there is no need to register, we can go directly."

The spider spirit frowned and looked over, "How can this be—"

At this moment, the registration office.

His poor old partner was holding his head and shaking.

I can't wait to huddle in the corner, spin silk, spin silk frantically.

To entangle myself, to hide completely.

Facing the sight of the spider spirit, the frightened old partner gestured frantically.

Signal him not to block!Don't block!


(End of this chapter)

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