Chapter 1918 White Fox (53)

It sounds like it was just mentioned casually.

But Yin Xin has followed him the longest, and he can best guess his thoughts.

Glancing at the little white fox, he calmly replied, "What your lord said is that there has indeed been no wedding in the palace for a long time."

"I'm going to do it this time, my lord...what do you think?"

Yan Yu hugged the fox, lowered his eyelids, and slightly hooked his fingertips to tease it.

While teasing, while casually.

It seems that he doesn't care about the form of the happy event at all.

"You look at it."

He paused.

"In three days, I will show up with the bride."

He was teasing the little fox, the curve of his thin lips was slightly weird.

Eerie, cold, and unduly sloppy.

Not half serious.

Probably knowing that he was talking about himself, the beautiful fox in his arms let out a cry.

Opening his mouth, he bit his finger dissatisfied.

The fangs were sharp on his fingertips, but they didn't puncture.

The fox's tail also flicked on him.

It's like expressing your dissatisfaction.

Yan Yu chuckled, and his figure instantly turned into black air.

The thick black air quickly dissipated.

Dissipated in the magic palace.

Come and go as you please.

It was so before, and it is so now.

It was as if there was nothing in this world that he cared about.

The three guardians stood up.

Yin Xin looked at the direction where Yan Yu was leaving, and then at You Qing.

Smiling, shaking his head.

"It seems that my lord is serious this time."

I really didn't expect that one day, he would get married again.

Zuo Huang stood aside and snorted coldly.

"It's just a fox that can only confuse people. My lord must be in the fresh period now."

"After a few days, my lord is tired of playing, and I will definitely kick that fox away."

He still didn't take Yun Si seriously, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

But You Qing gave him a hammer with malicious intentions, and said, "What? Want to bet again?"

"Just bet!"

Zuo Huang is aggressive and never admits defeat.

"I'll bet the adults are just for fun, have fun!"

You Qing was also straightforward, "Okay! Then I'll bet your lord is serious!"

On the side, Yin Xin stopped immediately, and smoothed things over with a smile, "Don't, you can't bet on this."

"Being discovered by an adult is not as simple as a beating."

Zuo Huang scoffed and said, "What's the point? I just want to gamble."

"You Qing, just wait and see, you're doomed."

But You Qing looked like he was sure of winning.

"Impossible, I will win."

Yin Xin: "——"

You Qing interrupted him, "Didn't you all find the bracelet on that vixen's hand?"

As soon as this question came out, the other two were stunned.

"What bracelet?"

Yin Xin didn't notice it because of the angle.

And Zuo Huang didn't notice it because he didn't look at him directly.

Only You Qing spotted the bracelet she was wearing at first sight.

It was vaguely hidden under the hem of the clothes, and there was a slight rustling sound.

He knew at a glance that it was a treasure handed down from the Silver Ring Snake Clan.

Specially used to lock prey, once worn...

Never take it off unless you die.

That was the only relic left to him by Yan Yu's mother, and he had been hiding in the lair of the snake clan.

Never took it out.

Now that he gave it to the vixen, doesn't that mean——

After You Qing finished speaking, he patted Zuo Huang on the shoulder triumphantly.

"I'm sure I'll win, Brother Zuo."

"When the time comes, think about it, what will you lose to me?"

"..." Zuo Huang clenched his fists, "You—"

(End of this chapter)

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